Home Health

Scrumptious slimming soups meal plan

By Judy Davie

“Arghhhh why didn’t I control myself and eat less?!” is the common cry of many people who peel their winter clothes off to find a few extra kilos that weren’t there four months before.

In nature, bears and squirrels stock up with food to provide warmth before tucking themselves away to hibernate for winter. While most of us would like to take a long nap during the colder months as well, our daily demands are no different to any other time of the year. Yet, many of us barely have enough energy to get through the list of “must dos” let alone the list of “need to dos”.

If you really need to lose weight, it’s not worth putting it off until spring. Our scrumptious soup weight loss diet is designed to give you more energy, keep you feeling warm, nourished and satisfied without too much extra work.

The beauty of soup is that it tastes better the day after making; therefore our diet plan is planned with meals rolled over from one day to the next. There’s less work and more taste — a double bonus! Soups are either eaten for lunch or dinner and there are plenty of other simple meals to give you enough variety so you won’t get bored.

With exercise thrown in, depending on how much weight you have to lose in the first place, there’s no reason why you can’t be 4kg down in 4 weeks’ time.

Note: Make sure you have plenty of soup containers if you have to take your soup to work or store it in batches in the fridge.

Day one | Day two | Day three | Day four | Day five | Day six | Day seven

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