Home Health

Restocking your pantry

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

It’s the start of the year, so if you’ve made the decision to get healthy, why not create a healthy pantry?

Take the time to dedicate a couple of hours to the task and start by throwing out everything that’s out of date. Pay particular attention to any oils that are old. Oils can become rancid, which is very damaging to your health. Once the out-of-date items have gone in the bin, consider throwing out any items that have been lurking in the cupboard in open containers and plastic packets. Chances are you won’t be eating them again either. It’s a good idea to have a number of snap-lock jars and plastic containers for storage in future.

Now that you’re feeling quite virtuous it’s time to look at the ingredient list on the labels of the packaged food left on your shelves.

The website www.foodadditives.com.au is a great site to go to conduct a search on the safety of the additives listed in food packets in your home. Any additives that are considered a health risk should defininitely be thrown away.

Now it’s most unlikely that your cupboards will be left bare, but in the event that they are, here’s my essential pantry list to start off 2007:

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