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Red Cross Calling

Red Cross Calling supporters Sabrina Houssami and Abang Othow

By Annette Campbell

Every day, the Australian Red Cross goes to the aid of people in need but this month, the Red Cross needs you.

Throughout March, an event named Red Cross Calling will run and, it represents the organisation’s major appeal for funds.

During Red Cross Calling this year, 150,000 Australian Red Cross volunteers will knock on doors to ask for our help.

Australian Red Cross CEO Robert Tickner says the role of his organisation is to help needy Australians who, at times, are rendered invisible, even within the closest-knit of communities.

“In some areas, up to 20 percent of elderly and isolated people we call daily through our Telecross program and list the police as their first contact because they are utterly alone,” he says.

“As many as one in four kids would start school each day without breakfast if it wasn’t for our Good Start Breakfast Club. And when bushfires or other natural disasters engulf our communities, Red Cross is there to support the emergency services and comfort the victims.”

Here’s a snapshot of how funds raised can help vulnerable Aussies:

  • $30 provides enough fuel to transport three isolated patients to vital medical appointments.

  • $50 covers daily phone contact for two months to an isolated, elderly person to ensure they are safe and well.

  • $100 will support six volunteers to provide meals and first aid to fire fighters during a bushfire.

  • $150 means Red Cross Save-a-Mate volunteers can reach 20,000 youth at risk of alcohol and drug harm during events and festivals.

  • $200 will help provide a healthy breakfast each school day for a month to 20 children who would otherwise go without.

Robert urges us all to embrace one of the organisation’s fundamental principles — humanity … and to spare some cash.

“I hope Australians realise that there is a real, if often invisible, need right here at home,” he says. “And when you help Australian Red Cross, you help Australians”.

Did you know?

  • Although there has been an increase in donations for international crisis and ongoing programs over the past year, there has been a decrease in support for local programs of assistance. Australian Red Cross is appealing to Australians not to forget the very real need that exists within their own communities.

  • Around 60,000 Australian Red Cross volunteers, members and staff work to support these vulnerable people in almost every community in the country.

To make a donation and learn more about the great deeds done by the Australian Red Cross, phone them on 1800 811 700 or visit their website www.redcross.org.au

Photo: Toni Dekort. Red Cross Calling supporters, model Abang Othow (the Red Cross Tracing service reunited her with her family in war-torn Sudan) and Sabrina Houssami, Miss World NSW, showing how to support Red Cross Calling.

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