With two kids – the youngest is 18 months – this 40-year-old mum says, “My breasts are very saggy as I breastfed both kids, and I have some wrinkles on my tummy, but I have a lot more appreciation for my body than I ever did as a young childless woman. Mummies rock!”

This is the body of a 48-year-old…

…who has an 8 month old and a 28 month old, both conceived after many years of IVF.

This mum had a baby almost 4 months ago. She says, “I’m still bigger than I was before I was pregnant but I’m so amazed at what my body can do. Every single stretch mark was so worthwhile and can’t wait to have more!”

This 25-year-old has had two children, both naturally…

…and these photos were taken 6 weeks after the birth of her youngest child.

This mum says, “This is me 2 years after having my first child… and I love everything about my body because I created life with it.”

This body belongs to a mum of twins, who gave birth by caesarean.

This mum gave birth five months before this shot was taken.

Share your photos of your body after having a baby – email them to us at mandb@bauer-media.com.au – don’t worry, we’ll edit out any identifying features, such as tattoos or background furniture, for you!).

This mum had her baby via caesarean when she was 17; the photo was taken two months after the birth.

Taken three months after her youngest son was born, this photo shows a mother of two – the eldest is 9, the youngest is 14 months.

This woman is a mum of six kids, the youngest of which is six months.

In her own words, this mum says: “I have a 2-and-a-half-year-old and a 4-month-old, both born via emergency C-section. I don’t love my body but it helped nurture and grow my 2 beautiful kids so what more could I ask for?” We love her attitude!

A mum of two, this woman had her youngest child less than five months before this photo was taken.

Two kids, aged around 2 and 1, have been produced by this fab mum’s body.

This great mum’s kids are aged two years and four months.

We’re showing what lies underneath clothes once a woman has given birth, showing that every body is different… but that it’s all perfectly normal – and beautiful!

We’ve already had a fantastic reaction from our readers, with more mums sending us photos every day.

This mother gave birth just four months ago.

Around 18 months ago this mum had a caesarean and welcomed a child into the world.

This body belongs to a mum in her early 20s: she’s got kids aged around 24 and 12 months, and had one via caesarean.

Mother & Baby is looking for real mums to share their post-baby bodies with others. We aim to show what women really look like after carrying a baby inside them for nine months – no touch-ups allowed!

After two children, this mum is happy with the two wonderful lives her body has produced. Share your pics by emailing them to us at mandb@bauer-media.com.au with ‘real mum body’ in the subject line.

This mum of two says she is pretty happy with her body but misses her pre-baby shape…

…but believes this Mother & Baby project is a great idea as all women are beautiful!

This woman gave birth to her child via caeasarean almost two years ago.

This mum has been through pregnancy a few times and is proud of what her body has achieved. Hear hear!

This mum of a one-year-old says sometimes it’s hard to believe she was ever pregnant, as her body bounced back quickly.

This first time mum gave birth less than six months ago.

This mum’s body has produced two kids via caesarean.

This mother has had two caesareans, the most recent one around six months ago.

Celebs can give women unrealistic expectations of how their body will look post-baby, but we hope to reveal the truth…

…with pictures from brave mums who are willing to bare – and share – all for the sisterhood!

Not quite ready to show it all? Just email us a pic showing your tum, like this mum of a three-year-old.
Send photos to mandb@bauer-media.com.au with ‘real mum body’ in the subject line. Yes, you’ll remain anonymous!