Home Health

Ready, steady, go with a new fitness goal

You know your mind is ready to get started on that New Year fitness goal, but what about your body? Chances are you may need to get steady and take stock before you go for it. We consulted Dr George Janko, Medical Director of McKinnon Sports Medicine in Victoria for some top questions you should ask yourself before you get started:
Sports drinks

You know your mind is ready to get started on that New Year fitness goal, but what about your body? Chances are you may need to get steady and take stock before you go for it. We consulted Dr George Janko, Medical Director of McKinnon Sports Medicine in Victoria for some top questions you should ask yourself before you get started:

Do I need a medical check-up?

  • Yes, if I don’t feel well.

  • Yes, if I haven’t exercised for more than a year and I’m more than 40 years old.

  • Yes, if I previously stopped exercising because of injury or ill health.

  • Yes, if I am a heavy smoker, or drinker, use other drugs, or am significantly overweight.

  • Yes, if I use any prescribed medications.

  • Yes, if I have close relatives who have had or have died from any heart or related conditions such as stroke.

I’m not sure where to go for my check-up. What should be covered?

  • A chat (health, old injuries, family history).

  • A look-see (include bio-mechanics).

  • Blood for fats, sugar and maybe iron stores if you’re vegetarian.

  • Blood pressure, heart check and maybe an ECG.

  • An exercise ECG to stress the heart if you’re over 40 years old and have any risk factors or are a post-menopausal woman.

Do I need help with motivation?

  • Arrange a friend to join you.

  • Put aside time and write it in your diary.

  • Make sure you have the right gear (good running shoes, a drink bottle).

  • Commit to a plan with rewards.

  • Sign up for a gym membership or classes and pay up in advance.

Do I need help with maintenance?

  • Think about a regular massage.

  • Get any niggles treated early.

  • Use a heart rate monitor.

  • Remember to warm up and warm down.

For more information, visit www.sportmed.com.au.

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