Home Health

‘Puppy fat’

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

**”I am 12 years old and weigh 60 kilos. My friends tell me they only weigh 50 or 55 and I often just say I weigh 55 because I’m embarrassed to say I weigh 60. I have three sisters (aged 22, 20, 18) who have told me they all weighed 60 at my age and when they turned 13 they all started to lose their ‘puppy fat’. I remember seeing them lose this weight and they have been able to keep it off and they still all weigh 60kg. I don’t look like I’m 60kg, in my opinion, but my stomach isn’t flat either. I have my graduation coming up soon (November) and I was wondering if you could tell me, how can I turn my stomach that I have now into a flat one? Also will I lose the weight like my sister did? I walk to school and back everyday and eat three balanced meals. I am a vegetarian. We have a treadmill at my house and I spend 20 minutes before school on it and 20-30 minutes after school on it. Thank you.”

— Claire**

Dear Claire,

When I was your age I weighed 60kg and now, at 44, I weigh 59. It’s easy to say don’t compare yourself to others but I know it’s hard not to. The truth is though we are all different and as long as we’re healthy, eat well, exercise and feel good, no one weight is better than another. Even when you compare girls the same height with the same amount of body fat they will usually have varying weights. Some people have a very slight build, like Kylie Minogue, while others have a larger more voluptuous build, like Beyonce, and both, I’m sure you would agree are equally beautiful in their own way.

While you don’t say how tall you are or describe your frame, I suspect you and your sisters each have strong athletic frames which, regardless of body fat, weigh more than small slight frames. The amount of exercise you do might also mean you have more lean tissue than other girls your age which means you might weigh more as muscle is heavier than fat but look more toned and fit.

Family history is a great guide to probable outcomes and as long as you share similar eating and exercise habits there’s every chance you will lose your ‘puppy fat’ just as your sisters did.

My advice is to relax and enjoy yourself. Exercise and enjoy the activity without worrying about your weight. If you stay active throughout your growing years you’ll be less likely to carry any excess fat into adult life.

As a vegetarian and especially at your age make sure you are eating enough protein. Protein is important for normal growth as your body is developing and growing and will continue to grow up until your mid 20s. It would be great if you could eat some fish, but if not, eggs, tofu, yoghurt, lentils and beans combined with a grain are all a good source of protein. Wholegrain bread, rice and pasta each have more protein than their processed white equivalents and will fill you up for longer too.

And as for the flat stomach, maybe you and your sister can invest in a pilates DVD that specifically targets the abdominal area and exercise together.

There’s a lovely line that many young people hate which goes like this: “I’ve been on this planet longer and I know more.”

When you’re young and all you want is to change something it’s hard to hear the word “wait”.

At 12 you’re only a fraction of the way through your life and your body is changing. It’s the way of nature. Be happy with who you are and wait. A little rounded tummy is no reason to despair. It’ll flatten and there will be plenty more graduations to enjoy. When you accept yourself just as you are now you’ll be much happier today and for all the days to come.

Enjoy your graduation.

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