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Prince Harry and Rihanna tested for HIV on World AIDS Day

The prick of a good deed never goes undone... Especially when you have pop and British royalty backing it up!
Prince Harry and Rihanna

Thursday, December 1 marked World AIDS Day.

And to help raise awareness, Prince Harry and Rihanna joined forces to send a very important message.

Shining a light on the importance of fighting the stigma of AIDS, the duo underwent a very public HIV finger-prick test.

Kensington Palace explained the duo wanted “to show how easy it is to be tested for HIV.”


Rihanna doesn’t feel a thing…

Which certainly surprises the Prince.

The duo attended the Barbados National HIV/AIDS Commission’s Man Aware event, held in the capital of Bridgetown.

Harry was the first to get his test, administered by Susette Neblett-Straughn from the Ministry of Health HIV Program.

The 32-year-old may have served in the military for over a decade, but that didn’t stop Captain Wales from wincing… majorly!

Clearly nervous by her predecessor, Rihanna was bemused when she discovered it didn’t hurt at all.

Laughing, as her finger was being pricked, she said to Harry, “Oh, that’s not bad. You made it seem like it hurt.”

She went on to thank him saying, “I am very positive about what you are doing here.”

While they had their tests, Harry and Rihanna chatted about the importance of sexual health.

“We are all sexual beings… It is also normalising testing – it is the responsible, cool thing to do to know your status,” Harry explained.

Kensington Palace later revealed both test results came back negative.

This is the second time the fifth-in-line-to-the-throne has put his personal health into the public sphere.

In a continued effort to shed the stigma surround HIV, Harry was tested at the Burrell Street Sexual Health Center in South London, sharing his experience through Facebook Live in July.

Addressing those watching, he admitted, “It’s amazing how quick it is!”

Adding, “It’s better that everyone goes and gets tested. Why wouldn’t you? Whether you’re a man, woman, gay, straight, black, white, whatever, even ginger, why wouldn’t you come and have a test?”

While Harry’s results came back negative, the royal stressed that a positive result isn’t a “death sentence”, explaining with early diagnosis and treatment, you can go on to lead a healthy life.

In case you needed reminding, it’s Prince Harry!

RiRi talks to Susette Neblett-Straughn from the Ministry of Health HIV Program.

The beloved duo are passionate about using their voice to raise awareness.

Since retiring from the military, Prince Harry has focused his efforts in his royal work.

In June, Kensington Palace announce that the 32-year-old will continue his mother Princess Diana’s legacy and lead the charge against breaking down the stigma surrounding the disease.

Also in the name of his royal work, Harry has taken on more responsibility from his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth.

On the 90-year-old Monarch’s behalf, Harry is in the Caribbean for an official royal tour.

During a speech in Barbados, Harry read a message on behalf of the 90-year-old Queen.

“Prince Philip and I send our warmest wishes to the Government and the people of Barbados,” she penned.

“Our countries have a shared history, shared values and an affection which continues to bind us. On this day of celebration, I send my congratulations to you on your Golden Jubilee of Independence.”

Harry is taken by the kind locals…

But reserves his lips for one lucky horse!

A day prior to their HIV testing, Rihanna and Harry celebrated the Barbadian milestone with a huge concert that included a ceremonial monument unveiling and fireworks.

The pair sat next to each other on stage, after meeting each other earlier that day.

And clearly the royal and 28-year-old had a fabulous time, laughing and giggling throughout the evening.

It was at the concert that Harry asked if Rihanna would help him in his endeavors.

“Prince Harry asked her at the concert. They spoke after he had given his speech. They spoke for about 15 minutes,” a Kensington Palace spokesperson revealed.

“She was very happy to do it. She has had people in her life that she has known who have died from AIDS. She said this is important and she wanted to do this.”

“She has tens of millions of followers on social media alone. Her people are confident that she can reach a billion people through social media.”

Rihanna and Harry have blast as they celebrate the island’s 50th anniversary of independence.

Let’s hug it out! The new besties say goodbye to each other.

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