Home Health

Personal trainers

Diet Club

After being fed up with my unhealthy lifestyle, I bit the bullet and hired a personal trainer for just one session per week. He set me a program to use when I came to the gym on my own, and for that one session I have alone with him per week he really works me hard and motivates me to keep going.

He also encouraged me to start a wheat-free diet, which means I cut out any breads, pasta etc that contain wheat flour. This small change has resulted in less bloating, feeling lighter and of course weight loss. (I’ve lost around 1 kilo per week since starting). I can still eat other carbohydrates such as rice etc, so I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything at all!

I would definitely recommend hiring a personal trainer if you need that extra bit of support along the way. I find that the extra $40 or so I spend a week to have him there for me is so worth it!

Exercising half an hour a day, four times a week is really not any kind of inconvenience, and if a former exercise-hater like myself can make the change and find myself really enjoying the benefits, so can you!

— C. Richardson

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