Home Health Page 367

7 ways to reclaim your fitness

If you’re fit, you can function – if not, you’ll find it difficult to get through the day. Try these ideas: 1. Use stairs, not lifts It’s nearly always only a flight or two. 2. Do two things at once While you’re brushing your teeth, do leg lifts or knee bends. If you have a […]
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Letting go of tension

Letting go of tension

Pain and tension are enemies of good movement patterning and smooth coordination and you have to become aware of their effect on the body before you can fully overcome poor movement habits.
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Letting go of tension

Letting go of tension

Pain and tension are enemies of good movement patterning and smooth coordination and you have to become aware of their effect on the body before you can fully overcome poor movement habits. Poor alignment causes tension and tightness. Muscle imbalances can cause aching in the lower back or tightness in the shoulders and neck. Unfortunately, […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Figure eight arm swings

This exercise gently releases and mobilises the spine. Align your bones in the standing position. Soften the knees and swing the arms diagonally across the body with fingers dropping towards the floor. Lift your arms up to the ceiling extending the legs and begin to turn your head to the other side. Soften the knees […]
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By Annette Campbell Try this exercise for a few minutes … Close your eyes or put something on as a blindfold. Cover your ears with headphones or use earplugs so you can only hear muffled sounds at best. Now imagine what challenges would present themselves if you tried to go about your daily routine. This […]
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Sleep apnoea

Sleep apnoea

Marion Weatherburn says she was “just so debilitatingly tired” and growing more and more tired seemingly every day. Although there were obvious reasons for her fatigue (running a household with a husband and two children and working), one day about eight years ago, she knew “it wasn’t right or normal tiredness”. “Then I actually fell […]
Resistance starch in the diet

Resistance starch in the diet

In the 1980s a new type of naturally occurring dietary fibre was discovered and named resistant starch, as it “resists” digestion in the small intestine and makes its way to the large bowel. Good bacteria in the large bowel ferment the resistant starch and in the process enhance protection against bowel cancer. Over the last […]
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Glass of milk

Which milk is best for my family

In days gone by there wasn’t a lot of choice in milk. In most cases it came straight from the dairy or in glass bottles, with cream on top and delivered to your front door. Now, the dairy case is bursting with a huge range of milks, plus there’s the convenience of UHT long life […]
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Journey through the bones

Journey through the bones

Try taking a journey through your bones. Stand in front of a full-length mirror in your underwear or something tight fitting. Have a close look at the general shape of your posture and begin to identify some of the bony landmarks, working from the ground up. Feet Place the feet underneath the hip joints, about […]
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