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Beat the Christmas diet trap!

Woman’s Day asked Healthy Chef and personal trainer Teresa Cutter, author of hot new book 80/20 Diet, for her tips on feeling fantastic this festive season. Most of us put on a few kilos over the Christmas period due to nibbling between meals, drinking more alcohol and exercising less. I’ve come up with 10 survival […]
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Jennifer Lopez

The face lift diet

This new diet promises an added bonus … as you lose weight you’ll look younger too! Are you looking for weight loss and glowing skin? Dr Nicholas Perricone could be the expert to turn to! The American dermatologist and skincare guru has branched out into the diet market and has been getting great results with […]
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Diet Club

30 minutes a day to a new you

Seven years ago I experienced an agonising collapsed disc in my lower back. After 18 months of rehabilitation, walking in water, gentle stretches, physiotherapy, patience and persistence, I slowly got my life back to normal. But there were ongoing problems with my back — just doing a simple task like putting something in the bin, […]
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Judy Davie

‘I hate cooking’

I hate cooking and don’t like vegetables. Would I lose weight by taking those meal replacement drinks? Theoretically, yes, but in practice it’s most unlikely. Why? Because you, like the other 99.9 percent of quick-fix dieters, will most likely get bored with the same meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner and give up. Once you […]
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Judy Davie

Pick me ups

I’m a nurse who does a lot of shift work and very often I feel tired. I find that I tend to eat a lot of sugary things as a ‘pick me up’. I am slightly overweight but would love to learn more about healthy eating and incorporate changes that will lead to my mental […]
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Counting Christmas kilojoules

With so many sweet treats, party pastries and those extra glasses of bubbly, the silly season is certainly the key time of the year that challenges your healthy eating goals. The key to keeping in shape over summer is to tweak your daily eating and exercise habits to allow for the extras – not miss […]
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Five minute power breathing

Yogic breathing techniques teach you to expel as much air as possible so that inhaling is, in fact, the reflex action – not the other way around. This exercise adds an easy spinal twist to awaken your energy and release physical and emotional tension. For an even more invigorating experience, try practising it outside in […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Active summer breaks

One way to keep in shape this summer is to keep active during your holiday break. You can still enjoy the holiday feel-good factor while you improve your fitness.
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Photos by Getty Images

Active summer breaks

One way to keep in shape this summer is to keep active during your holiday break. You can still enjoy the holiday feel-good factor while you improve your fitness. Spa reviver Check out Golden Door Fitness resorts Check out Fitness Escapes Walk on by Check out Intrepid Travel Sun, sea and surf […]
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