Home Health Page 351

Living it up without blowing it out

We eat out for all sorts of reasons – to celebrate a special occasion, to entertain an important client or simply to catch up with friends and have a great time. Therefore you are being a little unrealistic not to eat out just because you’re trying to lose weight. However, eating out need not “blow […]
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sports drink

Nutrition advice for endurance sports

A race such as the Forster Ironman Triathlon places huge demands on your body physically and emotionally. As well as dehydration, the key challenge your body faces is carbohydrate depletion. That’s why it’s essential to plan ahead and adjust your diet just before the big event. Three days before Muscle glycogen stores will be challenged […]
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Recharge your batteries

Some days are so hectic, emergency measures are called for to create some calm. Progressive relaxation requires no special equipment — just a floor. Note: Your body temperature will drop, so have a light rug handy. Lie down, and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply through your nose, and out through your mouth. Focus on […]
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Judy Davie

Detox diet: the wheat factor

**My 20-year-old daughter has decided to go on a detox diet to lose weight. She’s been told to eat no products with wheat or diary, and consume no alcohol or caffeinated drinks. She goes to college and I’m worried that she won’t get enough in the day to sustain her. Marie** If this means she’ll […]
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The warming soup 7 day plan

The warming soup 7 day plan

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at The warming soup 7 day plan Eating larger meals during the day and serving soup only at night can be a great way to stay warm, feel nourished and shift some extra kilos. There’s an investment of time to […]
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Judy Davie

Soy milk

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at I seem to have gained weight as a result of switching to soy milk. I thought it was meant to be good for you. Gail — Turramurra Many people make the mistake of thinking just because a food has […]
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Judy Davie

Weight loss per week

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at How much weight should I be able to lose in a week? I have my sister’s 50th coming up at the end of June and want to look my best. Miranda — Scarborough There are many radical diets where […]
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By Annette Campbell Did you know that people with the blood clotting disorder, haemophilia, don’t actually bleed any more profusely than anyone else – just for a longer time? It’s a myth that people with this condition will gush blood from a cut and quickly bleed to death. And did you also know that haemophilia […]
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