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Judy Davie

The weight is all back on again

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at I lost so much weight before my wedding and looked and felt terrific. Now two months later the weight I lost is all back on and I feel terrible. It’s normal to place such importance on your wedding. The […]
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Celebrity diet secrets

Celebrity diet secrets

We all have one food we can’t resist, but is that food derailing your diet? These stars kicked their vices and proved that saying no can be the recipe for success. Kilojoules saved: Doing away with her post-dinner slice of cream-filled sponge cake saves Jess 810kj and 8.4g of fat. Snack alternative: If you have […]
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Calming carbs: Are you skipping the benefits of this important nutrient group?

If you’ve tried a low-carb diet in the past, you may have experienced some unwanted side effects like headaches and crankiness. But are these symptoms a result of changing your usual patterns and feeling deprived of your favourite foods? Or is there something physiological going on? Let’s explore the link between carbohydrate foods and feeling […]
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Motivational music: Does the right groove really help you move?

Visit any local running route or gym and you'll see people exercising with the help of little white gadgets. The rise in the popularity of super-slim iPods has seen more and more people turn to their favourite tunes as a way to boost their moves. What fantastic technology to be able to have all your best workout tracks ready at the click of a wheel? But what is research showing about music as an exercise aid? And what should you consider to help get in the groove?
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Motivational music: Does the right groove really help you move?

Visit any local running route or gym and you’ll see people exercising with the help of little white gadgets. The rise in the popularity of super-slim iPods has seen more and more people turn to their favourite tunes as a way to boost their moves. What fantastic technology to be able to have all your […]
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Get organised: seven ideas to save you time and energy

Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier Even if you don’t have a last-minute emergency, you’ll be more relaxed if you know the extra time is there. Settle for 75 percent Perfectionism is a recipe for exhaustion. Tell yourself you’ll be happy if you achieve near perfect ‘scores’ in your mind for activities — 75 percent […]
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Judy Davie

Portion size

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at **I usually eat very healthy food but struggle with portion size. I don’t need to lose more than two kilos but don’t seem to have the motivation to do anything about it. Joanna, Randwick** While two kilos doesn’t sound […]
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Judy Davie

Overcoming obstacles to weight loss

I am 49 and 136kg. I would like to lose weight but I have found it hard, with dialysis four times a week, and diabetes, and neuropathy that makes it difficult to exercise. There is no gym or access to a pool and I can’t afford a treadmill, can you help with some pointers? Obstacles […]
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10 workout mistakes

You pay out your weight in gym fees, but still can’t drop those kilos. Sydney trainer Rebecca Rule tells why.
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Winter fat blaster

Winter fat blaster

Burn that blubber away with ‘The Healthy Chef’, Teresa Cutter, author of 80/20 Diet: 12 Weeks To A Better Body. Seven day fat-buster plan Monday and Thursday Breakfast Banana porridge Combine 1 mashed banana with 1 cup water, ½ cup soy milk, ¾ cup rolled oats, 1 tablespoon linseeds and 1 tablespoon wheat germ. Cook […]
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