Home Health Page 332
Brain boosting tablets

The brain booster

Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is a herb that’s attracting attention in health research circles as a smart choice for better brain power. It’s long been a staple of Ayurveda — the traditional medicine practised in India — where it has been used to treat anxiety, depression, and mental illness. According to a report in Alternative Medicine […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Smart weight loss essentials

Whether you want to lose a little or a lot of weight, there are three things that can guarantee your long-term success: a healthy relationship with food, an active lifestyle and a balanced approach to living.
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Stir fries

Stir fries

By Judy Davie **”My family enjoys a lot of Asian dishes. I like to stir fry meat or chicken and vegies and usually add a pre made sauce with rice. As I’m trying to lose weight I don’t eat the rice but are the sauces OK?” — Diana** The problem with many of these sauces […]
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On ya bike

On ya bike

By Michaela Ryan Cycling is a great way to kill two birds with one stone — you can exercise while getting from A to B. Even taking into account the cost of your bike and gear, it’s usually cheaper than public transport or driving. It’s often quicker, too!
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Diet Club

Dance away the calories

Have you ever tried going to do a couple of dance classes instead of going to the gym all the time? I used to weigh 80 kilos, then I started going to funky jazz classes and the weight dropped off me! Of course I was eating right — I was going to the gym once […]
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Judy Davie

Flavoured tuna

By Judy Davie “I make a sandwich every day for lunch with canned tuna. I’ve noticed there are a number of flavoured varieties on the market. Are they any good?” — Marie For convenience and variety there’s nothing terribly bad with the gourmet tuna in the supermarkets, although gram for gram they contain around 20% […]
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Snack attack

Snack attack

By Judy Davie **”It’s the same story every time I try to lose weight. Even weekends are easy compared to weekdays in the office. Almost every day at around 4.00pm my energy plummets and I make for the vending machine. Can you suggest anything I can do to overcome this?” — Fiona** There’s a clue […]
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Sports bras: the lowdown

Sports bras: the lowdown

By Michaela Ryan Did you know there’s no muscle in your breasts? Skin actually provides the main support. And there’s also some support from fine, hair-like ligaments called Cooper’s ligaments. “The breasts are not very well supported for the amount of activity we want to do,” says Deirdre McGhee, sports physiotherapist and lecturer in functional […]
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For a flu-free July…

For a flu-free July…

When all around are snuffling and sneezing into tissues, you can breathe easy with this immune-building cold and flu prevention plan. Stay well and lose weight with an eating plan full of vitamin C-rich fresh produce and live cultures from miso and natural yoghurt, aimed directly at strengthening the immune system. Buy natural yoghurt with […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Common challenges of weight loss

While weight loss is an individual journey, I often see people facing common challenges even though they are in different occupations and at different life stages. So if you’ve decided the time has come to get in shape, check out if any of these challenges apply to you. Don’t worry if some of them sound […]
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