Home Health Page 331
Nag your man

Nag your man

By Michaela Ryan When women feel ill, they know the doctor’s office is the best place to be. Men know the same thing, but they’ll often suffer in silence rather than ask for help. This reluctance to visit the doctor could mean serious health risks, so if your man is going to great lengths to […]
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Judy Davie

What’s the difference between an allergy and an intolerance?

By Judy Davie **”What’s the difference between an allergy and an intolerance?” — Justine** An allergy is an immune response causing a serious, sometimes fatal, reaction, usually involving inflammation and the restriction of airways. Typical food allergens include gluten, nuts, dairy and shellfish. An intolerance is when a substance may cause an adverse reaction, such […]
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Keeping fit with a toddler in tow

Keeping fit with a toddler in tow

By Jo McKinnon When you have a toddler, your world tends to move at their dawdling pace. Here’s how to keep active when things slow down. It may sound strange, but life can slow down when you have a toddler. Where once you could strap your bub in a pram and stride out for an […]
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Judy Davie

What is your body telling you?

By Judy Davie Is your body missing out on important nutrients? There are ways to spot the warning signs. If your answers are “sometimes”, “often” or “most of the time” to the majority of questions in each section, you should consider increasing your intake of foods rich in the deficient vitamin. If you answer “most […]
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Judy Davie

Weight loss for teenagers

By Judy Davie **”I’m a 15 (turning 16) year old teenage girl with a height of 169cm and I currently weigh 85kg but I’ve always had a fairly solid build. I want to lose the excess weight fast, how can I do this without using weight loss tablets, shakes or drinks?” — Jenny** Oh dear, […]
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When to ditch the gym

When to ditch the gym

By Michaela Ryan Is it okay to keep exercising when you have a cold? What about the flu? With winter bugs going around, it’s important to know how to alter your training if you do cop a germ or two.
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Energy boosting meal plan

Energy boosting meal plan

Towards the end of winter it’s easy to abandon our resolve to eat healthily. Our energy levels are often low, making the tendency to eat comforting carbohydrates all the more tempting. This month’s meal plan will help give you the energy you need to tide you through until spring, when you’ll emerge full of life […]
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Simply sardines

This month we take a closer look at one of the less common varieties of canned fish. A little fishy There’s nothing new about sardines, but the fact that they have been largely overlooked in the omega-3 stakes is, well, just a little bit fishy! Sardines are a great health bargain as they are easy […]
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Photos by Getty Images

A quick look at branched chain amino acids

Last month we looked at the pros and cons of the popular sports supplement carnitine and this month we delve deeper into amino acid land. Branched chain amino acids, valine, leucine and isoleucine are also popular supplements, but what are they and do they really work? What are BCAAs? Unlike other amino acids, the branched […]
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Eat your way to better eyesight

Eat your way to better eyesight

Foods, vitamins and herbs keep your eyes healthy, help prevent vision-threatening diseases, and ease daily strain — the kind that comes from working on a computer or driving. See for yourself. Put a rainbow on your plate Free radicals (unstable oxygen molecules that harm cells) ramp up your risk of getting the most common eye […]
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