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Summer fruit and salad meal plan

Summer fruit and salad meal plan

The clouds are lifting and summer is here — bringing summer fruits into season. Berries, mangos, and fresh apricots are just some of the delicious, naturally sweet, antioxidant foods you can tuck into on a weight loss diet. And when it’s hot outside, salads are the food of plenty. It’s the season for high energy […]
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Judy Davie

Meals and snacks for under 500kJ

By Judy Davie The lowest daily energy intake recommended for healthy weight loss is 6,500kJ. Combined with regular exercise, on 6,500kJ a day you can lose weight, maintain energy levels and feel great. Your main meals should be between 1200 and 2400kJ with snacks falling in at around 300 to 500kJ. Some people prefer to […]
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Eggs and cholesterol

Eggs and cholesterol

**”Is it important to eat eggs every day for good cholesterol? And is it preferable to eat free range eggs?” — Janette** Eggs are an extremely important protein food containing all eight essential amino acids and numerous vitamins and minerals. Altogether eggs are a complete food. Not so many years ago eggs were blacklisted as […]
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Judy Davie

Weight loss for coeliacs

By Judy Davie **”I have coeliac disease, and also cannot tolerate dairy and eggs. I want to lose a few kilos before my wedding in three weeks. Can you suggest a simple eating plan for me? I am trying to cut down on the carbs, as all the gluten-free products are high in carbs. I […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Christmas counts!

There’s no denying that when it comes to weight loss, Christmas really counts. Or does it? Many people feel that they put on huge amounts of weight over the Christmas period, but is this really true? Let’s explore a little further and look at ways to curb the Christmas kilojoules. Holiday weight gain Although it […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Antioxidant awareness

You’ve probably heard of antioxidants, right? You know those powerful disease fighting components in foods, especially plant foods like fruits, vegetables, wholegrains and herbs. Even tea, red wine and chocolate are hailed for their antioxidant powers. But unlike other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, we do not currently have an RDI or recommended dietary […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Seven tips to survive Christmas

‘Tis the season to have too much to do and no time to do it. These ideas will help you curb spending, reduce stress, and make Christmas more fun and less frustrating. 1. Ease indigestion: During this marathon of meals, sip 1 teaspoon of digestive bitters (from healthfood stores) in 50ml warm water after eating. […]
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Barbecue alert!

As barbeque season kicks off, go easy on charred-to-a-crisp backyard barbeques. A 10-year study of more than 90,000 women published in the Archives of Internal Medicine has found that women who ate more than 1½ servings of red meat daily were twice as likely to develop breast cancer. Researchers believe there are two culprits involved, […]
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Slimming in the social season

Slimming in the social season

November’s here, spring has sprung and for many the party invitations are rolling in. But that’s not so exciting when you still have a few kilos to lose. The good news is, you can lose weight and party too — with a little planning and a little discipline. Following this meal plan you can enjoy […]
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