Home Health Page 324
Judy Davie

Whats wrong with wheat?

By Judy Davie **”Why does everyone tell you to cut out wheat these days?” — Naomi** If you look at the diets our prehistoric ancestors ate it gives us a clue as to what we are naturally evolved to eat. Our very active and lean ancestors ate mostly plant foods the women could gather such […]
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Judy Davie

Eating well in a jam-packed schedule

**Dear Judy, I was wondering if you could advise me on how I can manage my lifestyle and eating better. I live at home with my dad, but I only see him for one meal a week. The rest is up to me, and I dislike cooking so if there are leftovers I pick at […]
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Sunnies for sight

Sunnies for sight

By Annette Campbell If you’re one of the thousands of Australians who’ll sport their sunglasses to work or school on February 29 — Sunnies for Sight Day — you won’t just be helping to save the sight of people worldwide. You’ll also be doing something to save your own! Sunnies for Sight Day raises much-needed […]
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The Cameron Diaz ‘nothing white’ meal plan

The Cameron Diaz ‘nothing white’ meal plan

Cameron Diaz says the secret to her perfectly flat abs and insanely beautiful body is to eat ‘nothing white’. And there’s certainly a lot of truth in the belief that doughy food can make you… doughy. This meal plan based on Cameron’s philosophy loads up on brown carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch and lightens the […]
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Judy Davie

Grapefruit diets

By Judy Davie **”Is it beneficial when on a diet to eat grapefruit?” — Patricia** Dear Patricia, Yes and no … Yes, because grapefruit is a low energy food that’s rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and soluble fibre. It also helps to detoxify the body and, when eaten with a small meal, may slow down […]
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Judy Davie

Fasting for weight loss

By Judy Davie **”I was thinking of going on a two-day fast to detoxify the body and kick start my weight-loss diet. Do you think it’s safe to do that and if so, how do you recommend I approach this?” — Gillian** While fasting is a tradition with many religions and, properly managed, does not […]
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The greatest gift

The greatest gift

By Annette Campbell Damian Harding is a 43-year-old IT specialist who lives in Canberra with his wife Eunmi and their daughter Destiny, aged seven. He also happens to be someone’s superhero — Damian and his family made the decision to donate his brother Darren’s organs after Darren died in a motorbike accident in 1988. But […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Feel better fast!

Relaxation is vital to your health and wellbeing, but many people find it difficult to overcome stress and anxiety. Pamela Allardice offers 10 easy ways to unwind. Take mini breaks: “Hurry sickness” – being constantly busy – increases your heart rate and the production of cortisol (a stress hormone), and leaves you no time for […]
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Diet Club

Sugar and fat

In less than a year I lost 18 kilos by cutting out sugary and fatty things. I also got a Weight Watchers points list from a girlfriend (for free) and was surprised to learn just how much I had usually consumed each day. The tip from another woman here suggesting yoghurt really works too! I […]
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Diet Club


I find that when I get a craving for something naughty, I pop a liquorice / aniseed mint and my cravings disappear! They say that liquorice curbs your appetite. — Jayne
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