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Judy Davie

Conquering cravings post-exercise

**Dear Judy, “I have been trying to lose weight. I’ve been going on the treadmill every day or second day for 15-30 mins a day. The problem is, the more I exercise the more hungry I get, and I’m always craving sweet followed immediately by savoury. I never seem to be full. Can you tell […]
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Get good and mad

Getting angry every so often is, in fact, a very healthy thing to do, while keeping it all pent up inside is not. These seven ideas will help you vent your vexations more constructively. Take a break. Anger lowers inhibitions and causes you to blurt out things you later regret. In the heat of the […]
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Create ripples

Imagine you have tossed a pebble into a pond and you are watching the ripples spread out. The same principle applies to your life — your smallest action can have far-reaching effects. By seeking opportunities to pay a compliment, show kindness, offer a helping hand or just listen with courtesy at least once every day, […]
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Judy Davie

Stevia: The ultimate no-kilojoule sweetener?

**Dear Judy, What is the caloric value of the natural plant sweetener Stevia? — Jenny** Dear Jenny, Stevia contains no kilojoules at all. It is a native herb of South America, with leaves a hundred times sweeter than sugar! While it can be used as a natural energy-free sweetener, it is so intensively sweet it […]
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Smarter problem-solving

Smarter problem-solving

Are you a “fixer”? That’s a person who feels they have to change other people’s behaviours, alter situations, make things better and do it all within a certain time-frame. Focusing on a problem that has to be fixed, even when it is beyond your control, is a shortcut to stress. Next time you find yourself […]
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Women and heart disease

Women and heart disease

**Have you ever thought you might die of a heart attack? No? Why not? It’s true that most of us think of heart disease as an “old man’s” health issue, but the tragic fact is that heart disease is the number one killer of Australian women.** Four times as many women die from a heart […]
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Six ways to whinge less

Six ways to whinge less

When women get together there’s a tendency to whinge about other people. It can get a bit draining after awhile. So if you’d like to shake things up in your circle of gal pals, here are some ideas. “So is there anything you can do to turn this situation around?” “Is this something you genuinely […]
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Food miles

A recent study has revealed that the average Australian shopping basket of food has traveled more than 70,000 kilometres from producer to consumer. Let’s explore this relatively new concept of considering “food miles” when buying your weekly groceries. What is the food miles concept? Food miles is a term which refers to the distance food […]
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Stay safe

If that little voice inside you tells you that something or someone spells danger, take action immediately. To stay in control and safe wherever you are, remember: Don’t put your keys in plant pots or mailboxes.They are the first places that a burglar will look. Never put your name and address on keys. Don’t open […]
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New flu fighter

It’s the sneezin’ season, and it seems that, when it comes to improving your immune system so it can fend off flu, everything old is new again. As long ago as 400 B.C., Hippocrates — nicknamed “the father of medicine” — called the elder (Sambucus canadensis) his “medicine chest”. The dark purple berries and white […]
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