Home Health Page 319
Stop your bloating!

Stop your bloating!

By Judy Davie Picture: Getty Images. Posed by model. No one likes that bloated feeling and although it doesn’t always show up on the scales, it does look like you’ve gained kilos straight after a meal. There are a number of foods that attribute to bloating including fat, gassy foods, processed foods and even chewing […]
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Say “Chi”

Say “Chi”

According to practitioners of Chinese medicine, good health is controlled by a flow of energy called chi. By pressing certain points on your head you can stimulate chi, relieve tension and tone the tiny muscles, acting like a natural face-lift. Got five minutes? Let your fingers do the walking. 1 Close your eyes. Place the […]
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Smart snacks for winter comfort

We’ve already touched on how common it is to experience kilogram creep in winter. The main problem is that many people do not turn around and lose this extra padding in the summer. Rather the extra 1 kilogram or more gained will become a permanent fixture, year after year. So here are our smart snacks […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Lean and Mean…Pork?

A recent study into the nutrition composition of pork conducted in conjunction with CSIRO has dispelled a common misconception that the meat is high in fat and best limited from the diet. In fact the survey found that lean, trimmed pork is just a lean as skinless chicken. Let’s explore the nutrition benefits of pork […]
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How to huff and puff with asthma

This month we talk to Dr George Janko, Medical Director, McKinnon Sports Medicine centre on his advice on how best to approach physical activity if you or a family member has asthma. What is asthma? Asthma is a breathing disorder caused by an over sensitivity of the linings of the airways, leading to constriction of […]
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Is your fridge a health hazard?

Is your fridge a health hazard?

Badly stored food can harbour a formidable range of disease-causing bacteria. Make sure you stay safe and that your fridge is well-stocked and clean with these 10 tips: 1 Invest in a good quality frost-free fridge so you don’t have to worry about defrosting it. 2 Put a small bowl of vanilla essence on a […]
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Less stress with aromatherapy

Less stress with aromatherapy

Good scents make good sense when it comes to nixing stress. According to a study from the School of Dentistry at Japan’s Meikai University, test subjects who inhaled lavender or rosemary essential oils for five minutes were found to have reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva samples as well as significantly […]
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Chocolate: women’s favourite mood elevator?

Chocolate: women’s favourite mood elevator?

A new independent survey has revealed that 44 percent of Australian women eat chocolate as a way of making themselves happier when they feel down or depressed. The study, which was conducted on behalf of Jenny Craig, shows that chocolate and biscuits are the most popular snacks among Australian women, with 49 percent munching on […]
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‘JUL-eye’: Eye health awareness month

‘JUL-eye’: Eye health awareness month

By Annette Campbell Most of us probably don’t think too much about all the wonderful work our amazing eyes do — as long as nothing goes wrong! But people’s fear of losing their vision is second only to cancer. So to help mark The Eye Foundation’s upcoming event, JUL-eye, we talked with an expert about […]
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The spring allergy survival guide

The spring allergy survival guide

By Annette Campbell It must be springtime: the sun is shining; the birds are singing — and lots of us are sniffling and sneezing thanks to hay fever! “Spring can be a miserable time of year for those living with either mild, or debilitating hay fever,” says Dr Raymond Mullins, spokesperson for the Australasian Society […]
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