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Rate your fitness

Just how fit are you really? Take our quick quiz to see how your fitness stacks up!
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Rate your fitness

Just how fit are you really? Take our quick quiz to see how your fitness stacks up! 1: How many times per week do you participate in an organized sport or set activity (i.e. Going for a jog/walk) a) 3 or more times / week b) 1-2 times / week c) 0 2: How often […]
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In the minds of many, the act of hypnosis is exactly that: a theatrical act, where people are led up onto a stage and hypnotised into clucking like a chicken or mooing like a cow. But the reality is that hypnotherapy is a vital medical tool, used daily to help thousands of Australians overcome all […]
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Get cracking!

Once blamed for boosting heart disease, eggs are staging a healthy comeback. Pamela Allardice shares seven reasons why googs are so good for you. 1 They’re packed with protein Eggs are an excellent source of complete protein, which means they contain all eight essential amino acids, the ‘building blocks’ of protein. Eggs are the standard […]
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‘Impostor Syndrome’: Is this you?

‘Impostor Syndrome’: Is this you?

Practicing clinical psychologist Maria Gardiner clearly recalls the time a female client came to her Adelaide clinic for help… “She was the deputy director of a medical unit — and was actually doing the work of the director at the time,” Maria explains. “But when she was formally offered the position, with its title and […]
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Can stress affect your fertility?

Can stress affect your fertility?

There’s a lot of information about the physical problems that can cause infertility. But did you know that your emotions are another factor that can contribute to conception difficulties? “I experienced some intense emotions and fears when I was trying to conceive,” says Michaela Ryan, author of newly released book Trying to Conceive. “After a […]
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The turning 60 meal plan

The turning 60 meal plan

By Judy Davie If you are carrying a few extra kilos now you are in your sixties don’t despair. It’s easy to lose them and stay healthy if you select from our over sixties weight loss meal ideas. At this stage in life, it’s important to modify your eating habits and consider bone health. With […]
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Judy Davie

60 weight-loss tips from the Food Coach!

Get up half an hour earlier than normal and take a brisk walk. Only ever eat when you are sitting down at a table. Allow yourself 2 small treats a week. Have vegetables with every main meal. Eat 2 pieces of fruit every day. Eat wholegrains, wholegrains, wholegrains! Experiment with new recipes. Bake instead of […]
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Dental Health Week

Dental Health Week

By Annette Campbell Picture: Getty Images. Posed by models. Knowledge is nearly always the greatest weapon we have when it comes to staying healthy. And that’s definitely the case for dental care too. The more we know and understand about out teeth, the better equipped we’ll be to care for them properly. “Until the 1970s, […]
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Women unhappier than men in later life

A study carried out in the US has revealed that women become unhappier than men in later life, despite experiencing greater overall life satisfaction in early adulthood. According to the survey to be detailed in an upcoming report in the Journal of Happiness Studies, women start out far happier in life than their male counterparts […]
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