Home Health Page 314
Magic mushrooms

Fire up a slow metabolism

When your metabolism is in peak condition, you can rev up the rate at which you burn fat. Start your engine with these six tips. 1: Eat breakfast There is a link between eating breakfast and increasing the kilojoules you can burn, perhaps because your metabolic rate slows while you sleep. The best breakfast is […]
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Berry good for you

Berry good for you

Cranberries are well-known for their ability to treat urinary infections, but just how they did so has been a mystery till now. Research from Massachusetts Worcester Polytechnic Institute ( has demonstrated how tannins in cranberries interact with E. coli bacteria at a molecular level, creating an ‘energy barrier’ that actually stops the bacteria from getting […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Do you love the shape you’re in?

A recent Body Shape Index released by Jenny Craig has revealed some interesting findings about Aussie women and body image. The study — which spoke to 400 women across the country — revealed that female waistlines are more cause for concern than any other body part. Second at 14% were thighs, followed by arms (7%), […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Sports medicine experts in the know

With a range of different sports medicine experts available, we take a closer look at what services are on offer from physiotherapists, myotherapists and exercise physiologists.
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Photos by Getty Images

Sports medicine experts in the know

With a range of different sports medicine experts available, let’s take a closer look on what services are on offer from physiotherapists, myotherapists and exercise physiologists. Physiotherapists Physiotherapy is a drug-free therapy and some techniques employed include soft tissue massage, joint mobilization, manipulation, exercise and stretches, traction, ergonomic advice, remedial exercises, postural assessment, correction advice […]
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Getty Images

More reason to fight the blues: depression toxic to the brain

New scientific research has revealed that depression can potentially cause severe brain damage, reinforcing the importance of early diagnosis and treatment amongst sufferers. A three-year study of 38 patients admitted to a psychiatric ward with serious depression found that grey-matter loss in key areas of the brain — the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulum and hippocampus […]
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Breast cancer detection: An age-by-age guide

Breast cancer detection: An age-by-age guide

Popster Kylie Minogue has done it. So have megastar Olivia Newton-John and legendary athlete Raelene Boyle. These celebrities, like thousands of other Australians, have battled breast cancer. Each year in Australia, about 13,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer, and it’s now well understood that detecting breast cancer early provides the best chance of surviving […]
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Photo: Snapper Media

How to be happy

The pursuit of happiness is a lifelong goal for most of us. No matter who you are or what you do, one thing we have in common is the want — and need — to be happy. And the great news is that, according to psychologist and founder of the Happiness Institute in Sydney, Dr […]
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Beat the wheeze with trees

Beat the wheeze with trees

Although pollen from trees may pose a problem for children with asthma, a study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health claims trees actually reduce asthma rates. Columbia University researchers found asthma incidence in children aged 4-5 years fell by nearly 30% for every extra 343 trees planted per square kilometre. There were also […]
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You can be a ninja too!

You can be a ninja too!

By Glenda Kwek You close your eyes and inhale deeply, with your back straight and legs folded. In the still room, the silence is punctuated by a low voice, encouraging you to clear your mind and concentrate on the present. As your chest rises and falls, you feel a growing calmness spreading through your body. […]
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