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Food and mood

There are more and more food products on supermarket shelves that claim to enhance mood and boost mental function. So, how does food affect your mood? And even if you feel good now, are there foods that can make you feel even better? You are what you eat: According to a UK study – The […]
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Fight cancer in the kitchen

Fight cancer in the kitchen

Here’s a statistic to make you think twice about what you eat: an unhealthy diet may be behind up to one-third of all cancers. It’s vital therefore to increase your intake of fruit and vegetables. They contain phytochemicals and antioxidants, which countless studies have shown help to protect, block or suppress cancer-causing cells and tumours. […]
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Prevent cancer? Get moving

Getting your daily dose of activity is one of the most important ways you can help prevent cancer. Activity, along with a diet and weight, are factors that can account for at least 30 percent of all cancers – including bowel cancer, breast cancer, possibly prostate, uterine and lung cancer, according to the Cancer Council. […]
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A cup of coffee a day could keep skin cancer at bay

A cup of coffee a day could keep skin cancer at bay

Your morning cuppa could be having more benefits on your health than you realise — by preventing certain types of skin cancer! A new study conducted in the US has shed some light on the role that a regular cup of coffee or tea plays in reducing the risk of skin cancer. Research shows that […]
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The health rewards of physical activity

Winston Churchill once said that whenever he felt the urge to exercise, he lay down until it went away. A reasonable sentiment you may think, given that exercise can be so painful.
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The health rewards of physical activity

Winston Churchill once said that whenever he felt the urge to exercise, he lay down until it went away. A reasonable sentiment you may think, given that exercise can be so painful. So why, you may ask, do so many people do it voluntarily? Why do joggers run the risk of stiffness and soreness the […]
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Does the “pop” from spinal manipulation mean anything?

Go for some spinal manipulation and you’re likely to get a therapist that works hard to get an audible “pop” or “crack” in the back, with the implicit suggestion that this means you’re better. Yet is this so? Does the “pop” actually relate to the outcome in a patient with back or neck pain? Not […]
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The essential fat

They are promoted on some food products, available as supplements and mentioned in magazine articles and television advertisements. Your doctor may have even suggested that you eat more of them. But do you really understand omega-3 fats and why they are important in our diets? And if you don’t eat fish, can you get enough? […]
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Fussy eater with vegetables

Fussy eater

**”I’m trying to get healthy, however, I don’t eat fruit and very limited amounts of salad. It’s hard to get healthy when all of the healthy options in shops contain these.” — Kate** I question anyone who says they dislike all fruit and vegetables as the options with fresh produce are so extensive and diverse. […]
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More fruit and veg can reduce your cancer risk

Your Gran’s favourite adage can actually help prevent cancer: in a recent report by the Cancer Council, eating more veggies and fewer lollies can help reduce your risk of bowel, liver, oesophagus (food pipe), lung and stomach cancer. According to the report, unhealthy diets, as well as lack of activity and obesity, can account for […]
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