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Married people twice as likely to become fat

The old cliché that people “let themselves go” after getting married has been given some scientific backing by researchers in Greece. Married couples were found to be twice as likely to become fat or obese as their single counterparts, according to a new study. Scientists from Salonica and Ioannina universities found that married women were […]
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Lots of lettuce

Lettuce is one of the world’s most popular vegetables and is commonly used in salads. There are thousands of different types of lettuce available. Some of the more common lettuce varieties include: Butter: a soft leaf lettuce that has a bright green head and a mild flavour. Cos: this is a crisp pale green lettuce […]
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(Don’t) think positive

For decades, self-help gurus have preached the virtues of positive affirmations. That is, they’ve recommended repeating optimistic statements as a means of helping people “rewire” themselves and stop negative self-talk. For example, substituting “I am so stupid” with “I am trying my best and learning more all the time”. However, the results of a joint […]
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Walnut, a wonderful a nut

Did you know a regular intake of walnuts has been associated with many positive health benefits including a reduction in LDL or “bad” cholesterol, reduced risk of coronary heart disease, protection against cancer and even help in the control of high blood pressure. In addition, walnuts may even have anti-inflammatory properties which could help to […]
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New research urges woman to have a healthy heart

New research urges woman to have a healthy heart

Woman may soon be monitoring their eating habits and cholesterol levels more closely after a French study discovered woman are more likely than men to die after suffering a heart attack. Researchers at the University Hospital of Besancon in France have found that women who were admitted to hospital after suffering a heart attack were […]
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Overcoming excuses for health, fitness and survival

According to the latest figures, more than 60 percent of Australians are overweight or obese and don’t get enough exercise. Being fat and inactive has become the “norm”. You areabnormalif you are able to overcome your excuses and stay active and trim. Don’t flog yourself The cause of the problem is largely understood. We live […]
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Small diet changes that could save your life

Just by making tiny changes to their eating habits, thousands of people a year could avoid an early death, according to new research. The study, which looked at British diets, concluded that 20,000 lives could be saved every year in the UK by making minor diet changes. Small changes such as cutting out just one […]
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Green tea for leukaemia?

There is already a large amount of evidence to support green tea’s role in protecting against different cancers. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology now suggests that a concentrated extract of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), found in green tea, may assist in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), which is the most […]
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How Deborah Hutton and Rebecca Gibney keep mentally and physically fit

Safer anxiety relief

Herbs, diet, guided imagery and meditation can provide relief from anxiety and reduce your reliance on medications that have undesirable side effects. Anxiety may be associated with a blood-sugar imbalance. Research shows that one symptom of hypoglycaemia (inadequate blood-sugar levels) in diabetic patients is anxiety, along with fatigue, poor concentration and sweet cravings. The best […]
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50 top diet foods

50 top diet foods

On an energy restricted (low kJ) diet it’s important to select top-quality foods to ensure you get everything you need nutritionally. These top 50 diet foods provide you with maximum nutrients and minimal kilojoules. Apple cider vinegar It’s got negligible kilojoules, is great used in a salad dressing and provided you buy a naturally fermented […]
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