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Keeping fit with a toddler in tow

When you have a toddler, your world tends to move at their dawdling pace. Here’s how to keep active when things slow down. It may sound strange, but life can slow down when you have a toddler. Where once you could strap your bub in a pram and stride out for an invigorating walk or […]
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Celebrity diets: Do they work?

Celebrity diets: Do they work?

Despite their genetic blessings most celebrities turn to their own quick-fix diet to get their body red-carpet ready. But do these celebrity detoxes actually work and are they safe? Naomi Campbell recently confessed that she puts her body through three lemon-and-maple syrup detox sessions a year, each lasting 18 days, the New York Times reported. […]
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Thirty minutes on mobiles a day can up cancer risk

Speaking on a mobile phone for more than half an hour a day could up your risk of brain cancer by 40 percent, according to a major new study. The 10-year, $25 million Interphone project found cause for concern for so-called “heavy users” but the evidence was inconclusive as to whether normal use increased the […]
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Beat the yeast

Thrush is a vaginal infection caused by an excess of candida albicans, a fungal yeast which normally inhabits the intestines. Symptoms include intense burning, itching, and a discharge. Anything which disturbs the normal balance of “good” bacteria in the gut can trigger it, including stress, antibiotics, spermicides, synthetic oestrogens, such as those in the contraceptive […]
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Get on your bike!

If you can swap your car commute for a bike ride to work, you’ll reap a host of health and fitness benefits. According to a study published in Preventive Medicine, a combination walk-and-cycle commute is linked to an 11 percent decrease in risk of heart disease. Research reported in the European Journal of Epidemiology has […]
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Want to live longer? Get some shuteye!

Want to live longer? Get some shuteye!

We all know most of the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep, but new European research has found that it not only benefits our everyday health and wellbeing, it can also help us live longer. Research conducted by the University of Warwick and the University of Naples Federico II found poor sleepers who get […]
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What comes first, chocolate or depression?

What comes first, chocolate or depression?

It’s a common assumption that chocolate is a positive mood enhancer but a new US research raises the question: Does chocolate stimulate happy feelings or depression? A study published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine attempted to answer that question. Researchers from the Davis and San Diego campuses of the University of California […]
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Achieving good health is easier than you think!

Achieving good health is easier than you think!

What’s the latest health craze which lowers blood pressure, stress and boosts the immune system? It’s as simple as a good laugh! Researchers from the Loma Linda University in California have discovered that laughing is like internal jogging and can have the same effect on our body as moderate exercise the UK’s Daily Telegraph reported. […]
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Immune boosters

Winter’s on its way and so is cold and flu season. To stay healthy, during the colder months, there are some easy, natural ways to boost your immunity and help protect you. Food can be an immune booster Enjoy plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts and seeds so that your body gets vital […]
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Go (quietly) to the gym

A work-out shouldn’t mean that you have to compromise your hearing. Popping in your iPod earphones when you hit the treadmill may be automatic but a study published in the International Journal of Audiology shows that we are much more likely to turn the volume up to unsafe levels while we are at the gym, […]
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