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What you need to know: Inflammatory bowel disease

With currently 61,000 people living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Australia, there is work being done to raise public awareness around the issues people with IBD courageously cope with every day of their lives. So what is IBD? IBD is a collective term used to describe autoimmune conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative […]
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Olive oil can prevent breast cancer

Olive oil can prevent breast cancer

Do you consume 10 teaspoons of high-quality, extra-virgin olive oil a day? New research from Spain suggests this is exactly what you should do to protect yourself against breast cancer. New research by scientists at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona found that olive oil can work towards preventing and fighting against a gene that drives […]
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A pill that combats man flu?

If you’re sick of your man becoming all “woe is me” and retreating under the duvet at the merest sign of a sniffle then help could be at hand: scientists have developed a pill that targets man flu. Australian researchers have created a daily lozenge that dramatically reduces the likelihood of being laid low by […]
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Fish oil foils psychosis

It’s well known that taking omega-3 fish oil supplements can help to prevent mild to moderate depression and boost memory and cognition. Now it seems fish oil may play an even more dramatic effect in mental health, with a study in the Archives of General Psychiatry suggesting that it could help prevent psychotic disorders. In […]
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chocolate bars

Is chocolate good for you?

**I love chocolate and have heard it’s good for me — great news! I know I’ll be eating lots of chocolate anyway but can you help me make the best choice at least. Jacqui** That’s a great attitude. What’s the point in total sacrifice at the expense of a whole lot of pleasure when you […]
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Surprising health benefits

Just when you think that scientists and doctors must be near to running-out of new health benefits to research and incredible discoveries to make, they unveil some more. One of the symptoms of a stroke — where the affected area of the brain is unable to function — is the inability to move one or […]
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Babies whose fathers are around during pregnancy are less likely to die young

Fathers can significantly improve their babies’ chances of survival by being involved during pregnancy, a new study has found. Babies whose fathers aren’t present are nearly four times as likely to die in their first year, according to researchers from the University of South Florida. These children were also found to be more likely to […]
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Take your thyme

Red wine lovers can happily justify moderate tippling, thanks to the impressive body of research which indicates that one of its key components, resveratrol, interferes with the action of the inflammation-producing COX-2 enzyme, which is linked to a host of health disorders, including cancer and heart disease. However, people who don’t drink or who don’t […]
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Two-thirds of women ‘completely bored with their lives’

If you struggle to get out of bed in the morning and just can’t get inspired about anything, then you’re not alone. Two-thirds of women are “completely bored” with their lives, a new UK survey has found. A lack of variety in daily routine, limited social life and work pressures were given as the main […]
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Can mobile phone use cause cancer?

Next time you’re chatting on your mobile phone, it may be worth stopping to think about the health risks. Although the link between mobile phone use and cancer remains unclear, new research suggests that a risk is there, however the severity continues to be debated. A 10-year study on the health effects of mobile phone […]
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