Home Health Page 284
The financial cost of obesity

The financial cost of obesity

Being obese doesn’t just put a strain on your health, it hits your hip pocket too. Researchers at George Washington University in the US have calculated the annual cost of being obese to a person’s wage at US$4879 ($5105) for women and US$2646 ($2769) for men, the Associated Press reported. The researchers took into account […]
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Thinking of switching to gluten free?

Thinking of switching to gluten free?

The word is out that gluten is bad for us. But is it? Many people, even those who haven’t been diagnosed with coeliac disease, are steering towards gluten-free products, believing them to be the healthiest option. Coeliac disease is an allergy, an auto-immune response to the gluten protein. Untreated, it can lead to serious malnutrition. […]
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Work-out for one

Work-out for one

Working out on your own is more beneficial if you want a high-intensity work-out, according to research by the American College of Sports Medicine.
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Work-out for one

Work-out for one

Working out on your own is more beneficial if you want a high-intensity work-out, according to research by the American College of Sports Medicine. Being on your own or in a gym environment will see you working harder (and working off more) than with a friend or in the great outdoors. The study suggests this […]
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Lose weight and entertain

Lose weight and entertain

It’s not so easy to stick to an energy reduced weight loss plan when you want to catch up with family and friends over dinner. Staying in every night alone however is not an option either; people should live neither to eat nor to lose weight. Our easy entertaining dinner plan gives you an energy […]
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Avoid the diet traps

Avoid the diet traps

The path to good dieting intention is paved with dangerous temptation. It seems that for every garden salad you fix yourself, there is a doughnut waiting for you around the corner. When you’re turning the page of your eating habits and trying to change your lifestyle, the default option at a cafe or restaurant will […]
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How to lose 50kg in 50 steps

How to lose 50kg in 50 steps

We all know it's as simple as "eat more fresh fruit and vegies and start exercising" when it comes to losing weight. But the truth is it can be very difficult to take that first step in the long road of lifestyle change.
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How to lose 50kg in 50 steps

How to lose 50kg in 50 steps

We all know it’s as simple as “eat more fresh fruit and vegies and start exercising” when it comes to losing weight. But the truth is it can be very difficult to take that first step in the long road of lifestyle change. But Sally Symonds has proved it can be done — at home […]
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Vitamin B holds the key to stopping Alzheimer’s disease

Vitamin B holds the key to stopping Alzheimer’s disease

A revolutionary a new British study has found that vitamin B may be the answer to preventing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly. The study’s results were so effective that scientist involved believe the results could revolutionise the treatment of the disease, the UK’s Daily Telegraph reported. The University of Oxford research team […]
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Do you suffer from migraines? The cause could be in your genes.

Do you suffer from migraines? The cause could be in your genes.

An international scientific team has studied data collected from 50,000 Europeans and identified a genetic risk factor linked to common migraines. The researchers found that patients with a certain DNA variant affecting the regulation of a particular brain chemical, called glutamate, have a greater risk of developing migraines. In pictures: Surprising things that cause headaches […]
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