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Oprah’s new weight-loss guru


The talk show queen has anointed a new weight-loss expert, Dr David Katz. Find out what he says is the best way to battle the bulge.

Fans of her show know that when Oprah Winfrey loves something, she’s quick to tell her viewers all about it. Whether it’s a product for her Favourite Things show, a new novel for her book club or an expert guest, Oprah isn’t afraid to give her seal of approval – which invariably is a passport to worldwide success.

Psychologist Dr Phil McGraw and financial expert Suze Orman have gone on to have their own shows thanks to Winfrey’s golden touch, and because of her own struggle with the scales, it’s in the area of health and weight loss that the talk show queen has had the most profound effect.

Trainer Bob Greene and physician Dr Oz are now household names thanks to Oprah’s endorsement, and while she still relies on both (personally, and as contributors to her show and magazine), she has a new favourite in Dr David Katz.

In addition to being the nutrition columnist in O magazine , this well-credentialed doctor (he’s an associate professor of public health practice and director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Centre) is the author of 12 books on dieting and nutrition, including the Flavor-Full Diet, Flat Belly Diet and The Vice-Busting Diet.

He may have an academic background but this father-of-five’s advice comes straight from the kitchen table – not the science lab. Dr Katz says a return to old-fashioned values – such as preparing our own food, sitting down to meals as a family and eating more vegetables – is the secret to a healthy diet.

He’s definitely not a fan of restrictive or fad diets. “If dieting worked, there would be a bunch of skinny people walking around,” says Dr Katz.

But he does offer this quick fix: “Switching from a 12-inch (27cm) to a ten-inch (22cm) plate leads people to eat 22% fewer calories. If you downsized only your dinner plate, you’d be eliminating more than 5,000 calories (20,900kJ) a month from your diet.”

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