Home Health

October food plan

By Judy Davie

For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at www.thefoodcoach.com.au

A diet plan free of all processed carbs, high in fibre, antioxidant rich vegetables and fruit and protein for satiety, is the perfect start to improved health and weight loss before summer kicks in.

While not a “detox”, this meal plan is free of coffee and caffeinated tea — the only drinks allowed being herbal tea and water. That way you can spend valuable energy (kilojoules) on delicious and nutritionally valuable food instead of wasting it on milky coffees and fruit drinks.

Throughout the day make sure you drink at least two litres of water.

Day one

On rising:

Warm water and lemon


½ cup blueberries

1 kiwifruit

2 tablespoons rolled oats

1 tablespoon bran

½ cup low -at natural yogurt

½ tablespoon flaxseed

2 teaspoons sunflower seed

Morning snack:

Herbal tea


1 cup rocket lettuce

½ small double chicken breast

4 thin slices of Spanish onion

10 capers (rinsed)

¼ cup coriander leaves

1 tablespoon lime juice

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 medium tomato

Afternoon snack

Herbal tea

10 raw almonds


1 large flathead fillet

½ cup haricot beans

1 clove garlic

150g steamed broccolini

½ cup low-fat yoghurt

1 tsp sunflower seeds

½ cup rockmelon

Day two

On rising:

Warm water and lemon


Poached eggs with sautéed mushrooms and silverbeet

Morning snack:

Herbal tea

Lunch Pasta salad made with:

1 cup cooked wholemeal pasta

1 small can red salmon

6 cherry tomatoes

½ cup fresh basil leaves

1 clove garlic

½ cup parsley

1 cup green salad

fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon olive oil

Afternoon snack

Herbal tea

10 raw almonds


BBQ Steak with mushroom and chickpea salad

½ cup low-fat yogurt

1 tsp sunflower seeds

½ cup rockmelon

Day three

On rising:

Warm water and lemon


½ cup blueberries

1 kiwifruit

2 tablespoons rolled oats

1 tablespoon bran

½ cup low fat natural yoghurt

½ tablespoon flaxseed

2 tsp sunflower seed

Morning Snack: Herbal tea


Spinach and ricotta frittata


Italian green salad

2 medium slices sourdough bread

Afternoon snack

Herbal tea

10 raw almonds


3 small lamb chops, grilled

1 tablespoon mint jelly


½ cup dry baked sweet potato

1 cup steamed bok choy

1 small steamed carrot

½ tablespoon olive oil

½ cup low-fat yogurt

1 tsp sunflower seeds

½ cup rockmelon

6 medium strawberries


Day four

On rising:

Warm water and lemon


1 cup baked beans (salt reduced)

2 slices wholegrain toast

3 slices avocado

1 small tomato


Morning snack:

Herbal tea


1 cup rocket lettuce

½ small double chicken breast

4 thin slices of Spanish onion

10 capers (rinsed)

¼ cup coriander leaves


1 tablespoon lime juice

1 tablespoon olive oil

½ cup low fat cottage cheese

1 small wholemeal pita bread

5 cherry tomatoes

½ small carrot (grated)

½ tablespoon currants

Afternoon snack


Herbal tea

10 raw almonds


½ cup low-fat yogurt

1 tsp sunflower seeds

½ cup rockmelon

6 medium strawberries

Day five


On rising:

Warm water and lemon


½ cup blueberries

1 kiwifruit

2 tablespoons rolled oats

1 tablespoon bran

½ cup low-fat natural yogurt


½ tablespoon flaxseed

2 teaspoon sunflower seed

Morning snack:

Herbal tea


Falafel wrap with humus and tabouleh

Afternoon snack

Herbal tea


10 raw almonds


1 medium salmon steak grilled

1 cup mixed green salad

3 slices avocado

1 tablespoon oil and vinegar dressing

½ cup low-fat yogurt

1 teaspoon sunflower seeds


½ cup rockmelon

6 medium strawberries

Day six

On rising:

Warm water and lemon


Poached eggs, with sautéed mushrooms and silverbeet

2 slices wholegrain toast


Morning snack:

Herbal tea


Tuna salad

Afternoon snack

Herbal tea

10 almonds



Barbecue lamb and mushroom with lemon

1 cup salad with lemon juice

½ cup low-fat yogurt

1 teaspoon sunflower seeds

½ cup rockmelon

Day seven

On rising:

Warm water and lemon



Strawberry and ricotta bruschetta

Morning snack:

Herbal tea


Pasta salad made with:

1 cup cooked wholemeal pasta

6 cherry tomatoes


10 capers (rinsed)

½ cup fresh basil leaves

1 clove garlic

½ cup parsley

1 cup green salad

fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese


Afternoon snack

Herbal tea

10 raw almonds


Baked kingfish with mushrooms

200g broccolini

½ cup sweet potato

½ cup low-fat yogurt


1 teaspoon sunflower seeds

½ cup rockmelon

6 medium strawberries

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