Home Health

Are you going to die within the next five years?

A simple blood test could hold the answer…

That’s right: experts now believe that they can – and all it takes is asking your doctor for a specific blood test.

New research published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal suggests that by testing your body’s inflammation levels, namely to analyse your blood’s inflammatory biomarkers, doctors can predict if you’re going to die within a five-year period or not.

As reported by CBC Radio, the good kind of inflammation in your body fights infection; the bad kind of inflammation can signal serious illness like cancer, heart attacks and strokes, just to name a few.

Testing more than 6500 men and women aged between 45-69 from 1997 through to 2015, French and English researchers, they discovered that those with elevated interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP) and alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) biomarker levels were more likely to die within the five years that blood test was taken.

There is still much research to be done to validate this health claim, but it’s not the first time science has attempted to predict when, and even how, you’re going to die.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) analysed a range of different causes of death compared to men and women of a range of ages and ethnicities, and then were able to hypothesise what someone will die from and, potentially, when.

What these researchers did was create a database that attempts to estimate when a person is going to die and what their cause of death will be.

For example, from their findings, CDCP found that 40 per cent of all 60 year old women died from cancer, while young men were much more susceptible to “external causes” of death compared to females.

Regardless of these tests and databases, both are markers in indicating if someone is potentially at risk of dying of a serious illness – something that can now be picked up before it’s too late…

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