Home Health

More than calcium for healthy bones

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On average, women lose 10cm in height in later life, due to weakening bones. You’ve probably heard that calcium is important for healthy bones — and it is! But what else can you do to protect your bones from deteriorating?

Go for soy protein

The amount and type of protein we eat can influence our bone health. New research has shown that enjoying soy foods everyday can help prevent bone loss, particularly in women.


Enjoy more soy foods: Aim for two servings of soy foods every day. Try calcium-fortified soy milk, tofu, soy beans or soy yoghurt.

Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential component of maintaining healthy bones. It’s produced in our body through the action of sunlight on the skin and one of its functions is to regulate calcium absorption.


Step into the sunshine: We’re really lucky to have a plentiful supply of sunshine in Australia. Expose your skin to sunshine at least once a day. But remember to slip, slop, slap if you’re planning to stay in the sun for any length of time.

Reduce absorption inhibitors

Salty foods and caffeine-containing beverages such as tea, coffee, cola and high-energy drinks can interfere with the absorption of calcium, so minimise these in your diet.


Try salt alternatives: Lemon and lime juice, fresh herbs and spices are great salt substitutes.

Be active

Weight-bearing exercise, like walking, aerobics and weight training, increases bone density and strength.


Be active everyday: Do some form of weight-bearing activity every day. While walking, aerobics and weight training are all weight-bearing exercises, so are gardening, house cleaning, dancing and golf.

Your say: Do you get enough calcium and vitamin D? How are you making sure your bones will stay stong later in life? Share with us below…

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

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