Home Health

Men’s health: What he needs to know

Nag your man

Men are usually pretty good at looking after their cars, their families and their mates. But sometimes they need a little more encouragement to look after their own health.

So the aim of Men’s Health Week (June 15 – 21) is to raise the level of awareness about men’s medical issues, and encourage our fellas to look after themselves a little better and take more responsibility for their own health.

“Our concerns are that men don’t look after themselves or go to their G.P. nearly as much as women,” explains Dr Robert Walters – a Tasmania-based G.P with a special interest in men’s health.

“They have particular problems in expressing their worries about mental health issues, yet can suffer with them exactly the same as everybody else.

“Women can help by listening when men do finally open up about matters of the heart and mind, and encourage men to seek help from their G.P. – even accompany them if needed.

“It’s important to find a G.P. you can talk to and establish an ongoing relationship with.”

Here Dr Walters answers some questions and shares his advice about some common men’s health issues:

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