Home Health


Judy Davie

Ever since menopause I just keep gaining weight, even though I eat far less than I used to. It’s so depressing; none of my clothes fit me any more.

During menopause, levels of the naturally occurring hormone oestrogen drop, slowing down the metabolism. And it’s the metabolism that determines the rate at which we burn our fuel (food). It’s a bit like the car that chews up petrol compared to the car that burns on an oily rag. The one that chews up petrol is usually pretty fast while the slow one can go for ages but without much speed. Like the car, a slow metabolism means you don’t need to eat much to run!

It may seem like a cruel trick of nature — the double whammy: weight gain and wrinkles.

But is it a cruel trick or did nature intend it that way for a reason?

I believe everything in nature happens for a reason, so here’s the theory and a solution to ease the pain.

With age and oestrogen loss, we also run the risk of losing calcium and consequently bone strength. A little extra padding around the body is nature’s way of protecting the bones in the event of a fall.

Small comfort? Try this one. Remember those wrinkles? A little extra padding will also help plump out those wrinkles in a way that no cream, regardless of cost, can achieve.

Now, I’m not suggesting that it’s okay to eat so much to pad out to the state of obesity, but I am suggesting you be realistic about what’s healthy and what’s not. There is a reason why Australian standards of healthy weight range increase with age.

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