Home Health

Married or single: who’s healthier?

Can marriage make you healthier?

According to the latest research, getting hitched improves your physical and mental health — if you’re a man, that is. In a study from the University of California which was published in the journal Cancer, researchers found that, compared with single guys, married men described themselves as enjoying better psychological and physical health and being more optimistic about their lives. The study also found that married men who had serious illnesses like prostate cancer recuperated more quickly and claimed to experience less pain and stress during their treatment. One of the study’s authors, Dr John Gore, explains: “From paying bills to eating better to going out more, life is less stressful when you’re in a happy and productive partnership.” Men with partners were also less likely to have unhealthy habits, such as smoking, drinking too much or eating too many fatty foods because, says Gore, “they’ve got someone in their corner who’s looking out for them.” Divorced or widowed men, on the other hand, ate fewer vegetables and more fried foods, drank more alcohol and had double the risk of suicide.


Are you planning to get hitched or is your relationship on the rocks? Check out this great online relationship guide.

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