Home Health

Make peace with yourself using Ayurveda



Have you ever wished your body came with an individualised manual? Forget about battling your body and struggling to change what you’ve got. According to this ancient Indian wisdom, your individual constitution is predetermined at birth. And you can learn to work with (and love) it.

Ayurveda is India’s 5000-year-old science of life, health and longevity. It tells us that the five elements — ether (space), air, earth, fire and water — make up everything in the universe, including the human body. In humans, the five elements come together to create three different constitutional types, or doshas, known as vata (from ether and air), pitta (from fire and an aspect of water), and kapha (from water and earth).

Our individual dosha influences us at all levels of our mind, body and consciousness. This includes our weight, our characteristics, behaviours and our reactions towards stress, certain foods, other people — even the weather.

Ayurveda is a deeply rewarding technique, says therapist Helen Gregoriou.

“In understanding your own basic human nature,” Gregoriou says, “you can look far deeper than the nuts and bolts of your physical anatomy and tune in to your innate body wisdom. When you honour your unique individuality you can restore harmony and balance and reclaim optimal health and wellbeing for a happy and healthy life.”

What is your Ayurvedic body type?

Here is a quick quiz to help you determine your dosha.

Quiz: Are you a vata, pitta or kapha?

Your body shape

  • V: Thin and slender

  • P: Medium and muscular

  • K: Broad and stout

Your weight

  • V: Light

  • P: Moderate

  • K: Heavy

Your eyes

  • V: Small, active and dark eyes

  • P: Blue or green with a penetrating gaze

  • K: Large, round and pleasant; blue or brown in colour

Your skin

  • V: Dry, rough and thin

  • P: Oily, sensitive, prone to irritations

  • K: Thick, moist, pale and cool

Your body temperature

  • V: Cold hands and feet, preferring warm and cosy environment

  • P: Hands and feet are warm and cool environment is preferred

  • K: Adaptable to all temperatures but dislikes cold humid days

Your hair

  • V: Dark, dry, brittle and frizzy

  • P: Fair and fine with a tendency of premature greying

  • K: Thick, oily and lustrous


  • V: Thin muscles and prominent joints, veins and tendons

  • P: Loose and flexible joints with good muscle development

  • K: Joints are large and strong with big bones

Your sleep patterns

  • V: Light and is easily disturbed

  • P: Sound with vivid dreams

  • K: Usually deep and long

Your nature

  • V: Enthusiastic but with a tendency towards nervousness and worry

  • P: Purposeful and intense with a strong convincing ability

  • K: Calm and stable

Your intellect

  • V: Quick intellect with good short-term memory

  • P: Strong intellect with a tendency towards anger and irritability

  • K: Excellent memory with a tendency towards inactivity

Find out your results on the next page.

Mostly V: you are a vata

Helen’s diagnosis: Vata is the mobile force of air and ether and is the most creative, artistic and philosophical of the doshas. Vatas are quick to learn, and easily distracted and bored. They are like delicate flowers, highly attuned to the senses and easily unbalanced by excess of any kind. Treat them with loving gentle kindness and they will be friends for life.

Balancing vata dosha

  • Keep warm

  • Eat warm, moist cooked foods and warming spices

  • Keep calm

  • Keep a regular routine

  • Get plenty of rest

  • Avoid cold, frozen, or raw foods

  • Avoid extreme cold

  • Do gentle exercise such as yoga and tai chi

Mostly P: you are a pitta

Helen’s diagnosis: Pittas are the warriors of the doshas. With their keen intellect and driven competitive nature they are in their element working as politicians, lawyers and are the corporate A types. If you want to get a job done, put a pitta to work on it. But take care not to get too hot under the collar as they may turn into the raging bull with all that heat!

Balancing pitta dosha

  • Avoid excessive heat

  • Eat cooling, non-spicy foods

  • Avoid excessive oil

  • Pitta people should do a medium amount of exercise and only during the coolest time of day

  • Avoid excessive steam

  • Limit salt intake

Mostly K: you are a kapha

Helen’s diagnosis: Kaphas are the most docile, nurturing and robust of the doshas. They love nothing more than to lie on the sofa surrounded by soft cushions, beautiful scents and all their favourite things. Being comfortable is what’s important to them. They can be hard to motivate and get going, but once they are up and running they are the most enduring and loving of the doshas.

Balancing kapha dosha

  • Get plenty of vigorous and stimulating exercise like bush walking or dancing

  • Vary your routine

  • Get off the sofa and go outdoors

  • Avoid heavy foods

  • Avoid fatty, oily foods

  • Keep active

  • Eat light meals

  • Avoid excessive dairy

  • Avoid daytime naps

  • Avoid iced foods and drinks

A therapist such as Helen (click here for details) can accurately pinpoint your dosha with a quick physical check, including tongue and pulse assessment, and recommend lifestyle changes to balance your doshas and cure everything from coeliac disease to chronic fatigue and skin disorders. Try it for yourself.


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