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MAFS’ Sarah Roza just tore her boob-shamer to shreds and we’re SO here for it

“I’d really love to see what you’d wear with size 10G boobs, small waist and big booty and hips!”
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When it comes to watching Married At First Sight, our eyes have been firmly glued on the are-the-aren’t-they romance of Sarah Roza and Telv Williams (and night after night cheered them on from our couches the same way we would a football grand final!).


Televised weddings and on-air love confessionals aside, it’s important to remember that away from the bright lights, and dinner party fights, of reality TV, each of the MAFS stars are like us: they’re real people. Real people who won’t stand for being trolled. Not now. Not EVER.

If you take a look at Sarah’s Instagram account, you will see loved-up snaps of her and Telv, along with glamorous pics of the TV star. But there is one picture, as reported by Mamamia, of Sarah all loved up with Telv at their Final Vows ceremony that’s garnered the wrong, and unwarranted, kind of attention.

The comment was quickly met with stark criticism from Sarah’s fans.


“Did you REALLY just say Sarah keeps complaining that she can’t find a decent guy because of the clothes she wears?” one person wrote.

“@sarahjaneroza has an amazing body and it’s up to HER and only HER to decide what she feels comfortable in,” another wrote. “Your comment is the exact opposite of what it means to empower and support women.”

But nothing speaks louder to the women-for-women anti-trolling cause than Sarah’s own words to her social-media troll.


“Unfortunately it’s disempowering females like yourself who make it very difficult for ALL WOMEN to flourish,” she began. ” I’m a proud curvy girl and I’ll wear WHAT I want, WHEN I want and HOW I want…”

“Because guess what, lovely? It’s nobody’s damn business but my own. As women we must support each other, NOT try to tear each other down… Shame on YOU for not supporting other women who have a tough enough time out there already without having ‘one of our own’ attack us so hurtfully! “

She then went on to see that everyone has their own body struggles, but that’s not going to stop her from repping what she wants to wear, when she wants to wear it.


“Insecurities about our looks & body confidence is a daily battle and I’d really love to see what you’d wear with size 10G boobs, small waist and big booty and hips!”

“And NO, I’m definitely not going to wear turtlenecks and high neck unflattering muumuu dresses every day just to please petty people like you.”

Not only that, but Sarah also went on to thank her fans for their support.


“Thank you to all the ladies out there supporting me and other women,” she wrote.

“It shouldn’t matter if your clothes tag says XS, SML, MED, LGE or XL because #bodyshaming of any shape, size or style is NOT OK!”

Preach, Sarah. Preach.

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