Home Health

Losing the mummy muffin top

By Jo McKinnon

Getting into exercise after your bub is born is good for your body and your soul.

Many a new mum has looked at her post-preggers tummy in shock. What was once a gorgeously round pregnant belly may, after the birth, look more like a deflated beach ball, as taut and toned as a lump of dough.

But here’s the good news. “Most pregnant women end up similar to how they were before they were pregnant. And a large percentage will be thinner,” says Jane Simons, a Sydney-based physiotherapist who has been teaching women pregnancy and postnatal exercises for more than 25 years.

“Yes, we can tighten the tummy muscles. Everyone wants that,” she laughs. The secret is patience. Some women need a year to shift extra weight they gained during pregnancy, and even with exercise it may take a few months for your tummy to get back to its pre-baby shape.

  • Brisk walking, with or without a pram. Try the Plus One Mums guide for a pram workout.

  • Specialist postnatal fitness classes

  • Pilates

  • Yoga (especially postnatal yoga), though you should make sure your abdominals and pelvic floor are engaged before doing stretches, advises Kate Manitsas of Sydney’s Samadhi Yoga

  • Light weight training

  • Aquaerobics or swimming

  • Abdominal crunches, as these can split tummy muscles further

  • High-impact aerobics, running or contact sports, as these can jar your joints

  • Yoga postures where your hips are not square, for example, the lunge in the warrior pose

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