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Brave little girls battling cancer in remission

three little girls battling cancer in remission

The three little girls with cancer who warmed hearts everywhere in the viral ‘hugging photo’ are all now in remission.

USA’s Today is reporting that four-year-old Ainsley Peters, three-year-old Rylie Hughey, and six-year-old Rheann Franklin, whose bald heads and sweet embrace circulated back in April are in remission from their respective cancers.

The three girls were all brought together when they participated in a portrait series by Oklahoma based photographer, Lora Scantling. At the time Ainsley and Rylie were mostly in the clear but Rheann’s fate was still precarious.

But recently Rehann’s mother Valerie, who has been dealing with her daughter’s cancer since she was first diagnosed in October 2012, has announced that her brave six-year-old has been told she too is in remission.

“I was hoping for good news, but I wasn’t expecting the good news this quick,” Valerie told TODAY.com of the check-up. “The doctor and I got up and danced together. We danced down the hallway.”

The news has been welcomed by everyone who has seen the image, especially the photographer responsible for the shot.

“When I found out she was cancer-free, I teared up!” Scantling told TODAY.com. I knew she had a check-up, but when she posted that, I didn’t expect it. It was a big surprise!”

Scantling said her original plan was to shoot the girls one year after the original shot but now she she feels inspired to capture an earlier update to convey the joyful message.

“I’ve been talking to the parents about getting a new picture together of them jumping and saying ‘We’re free!'”

Good news! Ainsley Peters, 4, Rylie Hughey, 3, Rheann Franklin, 6, are all now in remission from their respective cancers. PHOTO: Via Facebook.

This image, taken by Oklahoma based photographer, Lora Scantling touched hearts everywhere. “The girls had not met before, yet they bonded the instant they saw each other and it was like they knew they had a common bond,” Scantling told reporters. PHOTO: Via Facebook.

Rheann Franklin was as diagnosed with mucoid spindle sarcoma in October 2012 but a recent check-up indicated the brave six-year-old was cancer-free. PHOTO: Via Facebook

Rheann in March 2012. PHOTO: Via Facebook

Ainsley Jane Peters, 4, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in August 2013. PHOTO: Via Facebook

Ainsley dressed as mini mouse behaving like any other carefree four-year-old. PHOTO: Via Facebook.

Rylie Hughey, who was diagnosed with kidney cancer, is all smiles on her last day of chemo. PHOTO: Via Facebook.

“The loss of hair and the daily rounds of medication haven’t slowed this child down yet!’ Rylie’s parents wrote of the three-year-old on her Facebook page. PHOTO: Via Facebook.

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