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Keira, Olena and Alex’s bodies after Bachie: ‘How we lost 45kg’

NW chats to Keira, Alex and Olena about their friendship, fitness tips, and life after Bachie...
keira, alex, olena, the bachelor

It’s hard to imagine being besties with two girls who’ve dated your boyfriend, but for Alexandra Nation, she couldn’t imagine her life without Keira Maguire and Olena Khamula.

The three former Bachelorettes are giggling in front of the camera on a shoot with NW, pausing to gossip about Alex’s new life with Richie Strahan, 31.

When we ask if it’s weird that they all dated the same guy, they all answer the same way – with a big, resounding, “Nope!” Alex explains, “The Bachelor is a weird and wonderful world. Everyone has something to say about you, and the public has something to say about you. [Since the finale], we’ve always had each others’ backs.”

It was all the negative comments that tied them together – the backlash about Alex winning Richie’s heart over Australia’s sweetheart Nikki Gogan, the criticism that Olena didn’t deserve a spot in the final three because she “just wasn’t interested” in Richie, and the copious rumours and gossip around Keira’s “villain” status and family roots.

And since that bond was forged, there’s no pulling this trio apart! “I absolutely adore Olena – she’s a friend for life,” gushes Alex, 25. “And if you really get to know Keira for who she is, she’s a rippin’ chick – she has a beautiful energy about her.”

You don’t have to tell us twice about their beauty – which is exactly why we packed our suitcases full of bikinis and headed to Sydney’s South Coogee to lap up the sun. Oh, and while we were there, we grilled them for their fitness tips. Would you check out those rigs?


‘I grew a Bachie booty’

You are teensy and you’ve had a kid! Tell us your secret.

After you have a baby your body does change a little bit, and I was adamant to get that body back. I’m a big Pilates girl – I do it three times a week and I also run once a week.

Was it hard to maintain your regimen in the Bachelor Mansion?

Yeah! As I watched it transpire on TV, I could see it more and more in my face – my face has never been that full before! But Keira would really motivate us to work out.

She would take yoga and barre class. She’d be like, “Babe, we’ve got to work out – we’ve eaten too much shit!” Keira’s work must have paid off! Yeah, but my booty definitely grew [laughs]. The finale pictures were good – it all went to my bum. It could have gone to my boobs, though…

How did the friendship with Olena develop when Richie was so mesmerised by her? Would that be hard?

It’s really hard! Yes, we were dating the same guy, but Olena was one of my best friends in the mansion. We would talk about Richie together and I would never tell the girls I’d kissed Richie, but I told her. It’s weird!

We’d be laying in bed, hashing things out. Olena was always going through things in her mind and I would always make jokes that I was her relationship counsellor [laughs]. We’d always laugh about it because she’d be like, “That’s messed up!”


‘I restricted what everyone ate!’

So no surprises here – you’re obviously a yoga fiend.

Yes, but I do a lot of barre, too – it’s really good for lengthening and toning the booty! So I do that three times a week and yoga twice a week. I’ll do a strength class, too, probably once a fortnight.

You must have SOME bad habits…

Not really. Whenever I eat chocolate I get a spare tyre [around my waist], but if I stop eating it I’m fine. Oh, I love margharita pizza and wine – I, like, die! I need to have it at least once a week.

So you had a tough time making friends on the show…

It was so hard in that environment because you think you’re all together, but really you’re all by yourself. Everyone is always questioning your intentions.

But everything turned out OK in the end – especially between you and Alex! You had quite a few fights on the show.

We never hated each other. Although we had arguments, once they happened we moved forward. After the show Alex was so amazing to me – she’s such a beautiful person.


‘I’ve lost 10kg!’

You have a dream body. How did you keep it together on The Bachelor?

I put on a lot of weight… Maybe 10 kilos! I’m not going to lie to you. I was watching Netflix and eating popcorn. But I lost the 10 kilos as soon as I got out of the house.

So how did you get your figure back?

Usually three to four times a week, I do an 8km run then a 2km walk.

Did it bother you that your figure changed on the show?

Not really – I was happy with my weight. I mean, I did go and play tennis at times to keep active, but I wasn’t going, “I’m starting to put on weight – I should go work out!”

Does the fact that you made it to Richie’s top three ever get in the way of your friendship?

We don’t really get awkward about that stuff. Me and Alex are friends at the end of the day, and just because Richie’s in the picture, it doesn’t mean we’re going to stop talking or anything like that. He’s not going to break a friendship. We’re grown women and we understand how it works.

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