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Keeping up with the Kumquat

Love them or hate them, we can all agree that the Kardashians treasure their vanity.
Kylie Jenner

So when queen of the lips, Kylie Jenner, unveiled the secret ingredient to her youth (obviously apart from being a teen and millionaire), we jumped at the opportunity to learn more.

In the latest episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians, 18-year-old Kylie tells her mum, Kris Jenner, that she “just learned that you can eat the skin off of a kumquat.”

Check the funny moment in the player below. Post continues…

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For those of us who’ve not been acquainted with the citrus fruit, they are teeny-tiny small burst of flavour – and you don’t have to peel the skin!

“I love kumquats,” the teen gushed on her website.

“I grew up with kumquats and I’m obsessed with them. They’re really good. They’re kind of like little sour oranges, if you’ve never had them before.”

Kylie, though some may not be able tell, is loving the teeny tiny fruit.

We can all garner Kris’ thoughts on the unsuspecting member of the citrus family.

Apparently mum, Kris, has not indulged in the fruity delight, quickly deciding it was “so disgusting!” upon tasting it.

But before you decide to dash away from the fruit, King Kylie might just be on to something.

Unlike its small size, turns out the humble kumquat boasts a bucket load of health benefits!

You’re so little, yet you pack a punch!

Like your curvier and sweeter cousin, the orange, the kumquat also grows on trees.

Made up of a wide variety of essential oils that can help with common ailments like a sore throat, plus it is filled with fibre, potassium, calcium, Vitamin C, beneficial fats, and vitamin A.

100grams of the fruit have 71 calories.

They have the ability to improve the immune system, regulate your digestive system, reduce your chances of developing diabetes, lower your cholesterol levels, boost the health of your skin, teeth, eyes, and hair, strengthen your bones, and improve nerve health.

Watch this adorable kid totally get the benefits of the fruit, inspite of its jarring taste! Post continues…

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Not bad for a bite of sour fruit!

Nutritionists recommend aiming for a handful of the sour bursts – which we’ve estimated to be about 8 kumquats. Amazingly that tiny amount holds 10grams of fibre which will make your digestive system sing (for all the right reasons).

The reputable chef may want to make a yummy jam, preserve or even a cocktail – but we have no problem just eating it the way nature intended it… Just the way it is!

Kylie Jenner, we hate to say it but you just may be onto a winner!

We have the same feeling about kumquats!

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