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Keep your man healthy with three solid meals a day

Keep your man healthy with three solid meals a day

When it comes to your partner’s health, US researchers have found that serving up three solid meals a day will keep them healthier than if they graze on smaller meals throughout the day.

New research conducted on a group of 27 overweight men by researchers at Purdue University in Indiana found that eating three solid meals per day helped in their weight-loss battle, Reuters reported.

Dr Heather J Leidy and her colleagues found that overweight and obese men on low-kilojoule, high-protein diets felt more satisfied and less hungry when they ate three times a day compared to when they ate six times a day.

“There’s a lot of lay press about eating frequency,” Dr Leidy said. “These mini-meals everyone is talking about don’t seem to be as beneficial as far as appetite control [is concerned].”

The study, which has been published in the journal Obesity put a group of obese men on a high-protein diet or a normal-protein diet for 12 weeks. The men were given the two different eating plans for three consecutive days. Researchers found that men who ate three high-protein meals felt fuller throughout the day and didn’t want to eat as much late at night.

Dr Leidy said this eating plan was not like the Atkins diet, but that a high-protein diet was better for appetite control.

“We very clearly want people to know that this is not an Atkins-style diet. You’re still getting an adequate amount of fibre, fruits and vegetables with these diets.”

The National Pork Board and the American Egg Board-Egg Nutrition Center funded the study.

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