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EXCLUSIVE: Jules Robinson reveals the day on a plate that led to her 9kg weight loss

The newlywed star reveals how she shed 9kg without giving up her favourite foods
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Let’s just say, it’s been a busy time for Married at First Sight’s Jules Robinson.

Proving the course of true love can run smooth, she tied the knot (this time for real!) for the second time with her on-screen hubby Cam Merchant in November.

Tired of the usual yo-yo diets, Jules signed up with WW (the new Weight Watchers) in a bid to lose a few kilos before her big day.

She’s now lost 9kg and gained a healthy new lifestyle to boot!

“WW has changed my life because it taught me sustainability for my health for the future,” Jules tells us.

And the workshops and coaching sessions available on the WW program means she hasn’t had to do it alone.

“I like listening to other people’s stories and everyone gets congratulated on their achievements, and just the discussion about what everyone’s up to,” Jules says.

“I think the best tip my coach has given me is, don’t be too hard on yourself. That’s no way to live your life. So that’s been really good advice – just do you and it will happen.”

Jules pictured prior to her weight loss journey.

(Credit: Instagram)

How incredible does she look?

(Credit: Instagram)

What made you decide to sign up with WW?

I joined WW to lose weight in the lead up to my wedding so that I could look and feel my best, but also to develop healthy habits for the future, especially as I want to start a family soon. I chose WW because it’s a lifestyle, not a diet.

Had you tried many diets before?

I’ve yo-yo dieted for years, which caused my weight to fluctuate. With diets I’ve tried in the past, I was restricted in what I could do and where I could go to socialise because of the things I wasn’t allowed to eat, which wasn’t realistic long term.

Did you change your eating approach ahead of your wedding?

The myWW program has definitely made me more mindful about my choices and about balance, but as long as it falls within my SmartPoints® budget, I can still enjoy any food or drink. Since it’s customised to suit my food preferences and lifestyle, I’ve been eating more of the things I love, including carbs like wholemeal pasta!

Are there any new foods you’ve discovered?

On my customised myWW plan there are 300+ ZeroPoint™ foods I don’t have to track. It includes things like chicken, potatoes, brown rice, vegies and fruits – even wholemeal pasta and grains. I cook loads of quinoa and have it ready to go in the fridge, mixing it with fresh salads, some tuna or chicken, and a dash of olive oil and balsamic.

Jules shows off her brand new bikini body.

(Credit: Instagram)

Jules and Cam showing off their hot bods!

(Credit: Instagram)

Does your hubby Cam follow the program as well?

Cam isn’t a member but he’s been loving the WW meals I’ve been cooking! The beauty of myWW is that it’s all food you would normally eat in your everyday life, so it’s really easy for Cam and I to sit down and enjoy them together – he definitely has more pasta than me, though. He eats so much that man!

How do you stay active?

I do two sessions a week with my personal trainer Nat, including lots of weights and boxing, and then I do at least three gym classes a week at Fitness First. Body pump, body attack, spin and yoga are my favourites. I’m feeling so much stronger and my stamina is growing every week.

WATCH BELOW: Cam and Jules celebrate their anniversary. Story continues after video.

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Want to know Jules’ exact day on a plate? We’ve got you covered!

Breakfast: A banana or fresh fruit with low-fat Greek yoghurt, or an omelette.

Snack: Boiled eggs, or Laughing Cow cheese.

Lunch: Corn rice cakes with tuna and tomato, or sweet potato with tuna or cottage cheese, or feta with lentils and a beetroot salad.

Dinner: Wholemeal pasta with chicken, vegetables and a yummy sauce, or quinoa with chicken, chickpeas and a salad.

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