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Jessica Simpson: I’m proud of my new body

Jessica Simpson: I’m proud of my new body

Jessica Simpson on Good Morning America. Picture: Splash

It’s been a rollercoaster ride for Jessica Simpson since she signed up as the poster girl for Weight Watchers, but the singer-turned-fashion designer says now that she has never been more proud of the way she looks.

Jessica has showed off her new slimmer figure on Good Morning America, where she opened up about losing her baby weight and working hard to have a healthy body for the sake of her children.

“As a mum I just have this confidence and I just feel so proud of what I’ve done and what I’ve accomplished,” she said.

“And I really do also feel this need to be the best role model for my children and I want Maxwell to look up to me and want to be like me.

“I don’t want to give her any false perception of what is real and what’s important.”

Wearing a sexy black dress with nude panels, the 33-year-old explained that the Weight Watchers program is the perfect lifestyle for her, because it allowed her to set small goals for herself.

“It just kept me going and I was just so impressed with myself. I’m like ‘Oh my gosh, I can do this!’,’ she said.

While she allowed herself to eat anything she wanted during her first pregnancy, her second was different.

“When I was pregnant with Ace, my second, I had already been on Weight Watchers and I had already lost over 50lb [22kg] and so I wasn’t as relaxed in my eating and everything that I was with Maxwell.

“But I was just already in a healthier regimen so I kept walking and staying active and Maxwell started walking.

“It’s a lifestyle and I’ve tried so many different diets and you can only stick to something for so long.”

The star also revealed she hopes to tie the knot with her fiance Eric Johnson before the year is out.

“We don’t have an actual date but we do know that we want it to be this year.

“We need to get married. I already feel like we’re an old married couple, because if he wanted to run he could have run when I was hormonal and pregnant.”

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