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Jessica Simpson: How I lost 30 kilos in five months

Jessica Simpson: How I lost 30 kilos in five months

Jessica back in March, in September and on the cover of the latest US Weekly.

Jessica Simpson’s baby-weight battle has been highly publicised, but the slimmed down first-time mum says she’s never going to be a supermodel and won’t let criticism get her down.

The 32-year-old has successfully shed most of her baby weight, losing 30kg in five months in a “healthy and realistic” way.

Jessica reportedly gained more than 31kg during her pregnancy, tipping the scales at more than 90kg. Following the birth of her daughter Maxwell Drew in May, she began steadily losing the weight through the Weight Watchers PointsPlus program and four-times-a-week training sessions.

“My body is not bouncing back like a supermodel. I’m just your everyday woman,” she said in a recent interview.

Now she has even recruited her friends to join her weight-loss battle, getting them to follow her new diet plan and join her for weekly Wednesday weigh-ins at her house.

“We talk about what we’ve struggled with. It’s really encouraging to know you’re all going through the same thing,” Jessica told US Weekly magazine.

“Our meetings are also a great time to celebrate victories. Most people can tell a difference every time they see me, which lets me know I’m making progress.”

Jessica’s celebrity trainer, Harley Pasternak, is certainly impressed by her enthusiasm and dedication.

“There was one time she stubbed her toe and had to miss an appointment to go to the doctor. So she booked an extra one that week to make up for it and even came in flip-flops because her toe was too sore to put on shoes. She could have easily used that as an excuse, but she didn’t,” he said.

Harley also helped Jess avoid temptation on the set on her TV show Fashion Star by re-routing the path from Jessica’s trailer to bypass the catering table.

“We literally mapped out a different direction from the trailer to the stage so she wouldn’t walk by it,” he said.

Despite her recent weight-loss success, Jessica admits her past weight struggles have caused her a lot of hurt.

“I definitely don’t pick up the magazines,” she said.

“I definitely don’t Google my name. I try to avoid it completely, but I subconsciously know the talk is going on. Every day it’s a struggle for me.

“I have to separate myself from the world’s expectations. I have to look inside myself. I’m not a supermodel…I just wanna be a better version of myself.”

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