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Japanese diet secrets

Returning to her roots was the answer for the author of Japanese Women Don’t Get Old Or Fat.

Why is it that the people of Japan live longer than those of any other country, obesity is virtually non-existent and the women look many years younger than they really are?

According to husband-and-wife team Naomi Moriyama and William Doyle — authors of the new book Japanese Women Don’t Get Old Or Fat — it all comes down to the fact that the Japanese have the healthiest diet on earth. Born and raised in Tokyo, Naomi began stacking on the kilos after moving to the US years ago.

It was only after she returned to Japan, and rediscovered the secrets of her mother’s home-style cooking, that the excess weight began to disappear.

Now living in New York again with her American husband, Naomi believes her re-embracing of Japanese food has provided her with a healthier lifestyle, slimmer figure and more youthful appearance.

And it’s impossible to disagree. Four years ago, at the age of 42, Naomi was asked to show her photo ID to prove she was over 21 at a city bottle shop.

“Japanese women have the highest longevity and the lowest obesity rates in the world. My husband and I discovered the secret might lie in the traditional Japanese diet, which we call the Tokyo kitchen,” Naomi explains to Woman’s Day.

Naomi insists anyone can learn how to whip up authentic Japanese home-cooked dishes — as well as lose weight and look fabulous.

“When people think of Japanese food, they often just think sushi. Or they believe it’s difficult to make authentic Japanese dishes at home and it’s only really a restaurant experience. But it’s not.

“It’s different from Western-style cooking certainly, but if you go through it step-by-step, you’ll master it,” she says. “Once you get the hang of it, it’s very simple and fun and really, really delicious. It’s also healthy and satisfying.

“Once you start eating this way, you feel energised — and then you start losing weight.”

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