Home Health

‘I sucked on lemons to lose weight’

Diet Club

I weighed close to 130 kilograms when I went on Grandma Gladys’s lemon diet and turned my life around. It was so simple to follow. I’d drink undiluted lemon juice all day. I’d squeeze lemon juice over my meals. I’d eat lean white and red meats and lots of salads with lemon and reduced my carbohydrates. I started walking. But it was the addition of lemons to my diet that changed things for me. Yes lemon juice is sour, but I believe it’s a great natural fat buster. I was lucky as my next door neighbours had a lemon tree they’d let me plunder. Today I weigh 70 kilos and sour lemons are my best friend.

Rona Thompson, Ramsgate, NSW.

Quick confessions

I’ve put on five kilograms (and outgrown all my jeans) since joining the gym!

Tara, NSW

I went on a liquid diet to lose weight for my wedding. I lost 10 kilos drinking meal-replacement milkshakes and looked great in my dress. But I put it all back on during my honeymoon!

Susie, Tas

I once ate nothing but pumpkin for weeks and my skin went orange.

Jane, Qld

I went on a ‘miracle’ diet which told me to chew every mouthful 40 times. It took me so long to finish a meal I lost weight, but I gave it up in the end. It took all the fun out of mealtimes!

Christine, Vic

I went on an American diet years ago called the hot dog diet. You could eat hot dogs and cups of ice-cream. It was revolting!

Sophie, NSW

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