Home Health

‘I snack every hour’

Diet Club

After my first child, I had packed on over 20 excess kilos from reckless eating throughout the pregnancy. After 18 months of carrying this extra weight and low self esteem, I was dubious about extra weight piling on throughout my second pregnancy, but then my best friend asked me to be her bridesmaid for her wedding, which fell in my eighth month. Throughout the second pregnancy I had the fear of not fitting into the tailored maternity bridesmaid dress, so I ate carefully — and a lot!

After my second child was born, I not only looked and felt healthier, but had lost all the excess weight through careful eating. My friends all ask me how I managed to lose the excess baby weight so quickly and I can honestly say that in the months after my second child was born, I did not diet or exercise (except running around after two toddlers!) It was simply a matter of eating … and eating … and more eating, regularly, every hour, but healthily. I snack every hour on a piece of fruit, dried nibblies or moderate meals. When it comes to dinner I no longer need an overflowing plate because my stomach feels full from snacking.

I recommend always having healthy little snacks on the go wherever you are, like muesli bars in your handbag. The constant eating increases your metabolism and cuts out the need for spontaneous bingeing. And the other big bonus is, yes, you can eat chocolate if you want! My second child is now nearly two and the weight has still stayed off — from my constant eating diet!

M. Gore

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