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I lost 13kgs!

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I lost 13kgs!

All through high school I was a tiny 50-55kg; I was a healthy and extremely fit runner that ate a lot. I never thought I could gain weight. Then I met my partner Tyler. I just got comfortable, I guess. I grew to 69kg, which is big for me. I went to the gym a couple of days a week but no change in size. I looked back at my old photos and missed how I felt and looked. So I cut out most of my naughty foods and portions and started going to the gym for two hours every day I could.

That was four months ago and now I’m back down to 55kg and am just going to the gym to maintain the weight — I’d hate to lose any more. I feel great and my legs don’t chafe when I run on the treadmill now. Yay!


Be happy

I’m 21, 5ft and have a very curvy body. I have been working on my body image and self esteem and have realised that to have a curvy body is not a bad thing. Society these days is so obsessed with body image, weight and looking young — we see it everywhere. I think people should be happy with the figure they were born with and work on loving themselves before they decide to try and lose weight for the wrong reasons. I mean, it’s okay to set a realistic goal if you’re unhappy or obese, but trying to fit into a size eight or six when your body just isn’t made that way is ridiculous.

I’m a size 12 and proud of it. I’m curvy, I eat healthily and I exercise to be healthy and have fun, not to lose weight. I threw away everything that was too small for me and got rid of the negativity I used to feel every time I opened my wardrobe. I feel so much happier and more confident because I have self-worth and self-esteem. I realise that my worth and beauty is not determined by how much I weigh. Now I can go shopping and buy clothes that compliment my shape.

I think all women should work on their self-esteem and self-image before attempting to lose weight and also find out what is a healthy weight for your height. Love the body you have now, not three months down the track when you’ve painfully pursued another diet …and for who?


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