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How to take control of your life

How to set and achieve your goals

Have you ever felt that you are just running from morning to night simply surviving? To be in charge of where life is leading you means being more productive, dealing more effectively with stress, having the ability to solve problems, handling change and developing a happy outlook.

It can be small things such as managing your money and taking control of your savings, or perhaps a fitness goal. Do you neglect your hobbies in favour of daily chores? Do you fill your downtime with mindless distractions such as too much TV?

Get some inspiration with these simple steps that can help you take charge of your life.

List the important things

When we feel like we are working hard but not getting anywhere it could be because our priorities are not aligned with our values. To begin identifying your values, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is important to me?

  2. Who is important to me?

  3. What do I need to do to feel good about myself?

Grab a sheet of paper and make a numbered list, one through to ten. Then, list the things in your life that are most important to you.

Once you do so, ask yourself if the way you currently spend your time, matches your list of important things. You’ll then have a better idea of what things you to spend more time on.

Set your goals

Travelling through life without goals is like travelling through an unknown city without a map. Goal-setting is one of the important steps in taking control of the direction of your life.

Start by thinking about this year, and writing down goals for your personal relationship, work, health and finances. If you can, list five goals in each category. You could add more categories if you like.

It’s important to set specific goals. Avoid words like “some”, “a little” or “more”. If you want to save $8000 by the end of the year, specify that amount. For instance, this year my goal is to lose 5kg. In order to achieve this goal, I have committed to 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training for five days a week.

Get a strategy

This is really closely related to the point above. To reach your goals, you need a plan of action. For each goal, break these goals down into smaller steps over weeks or days. Then, set a timeline of what you need to do to achieve the final outcome and how long it should take to do each thing.

For instance, to save $8000 in 12 months, you will need to save $153 a week. Then make a list of things you could do to achieve this goal. Maybe you could work overtime, or bring in your own lunch every day and forego after-work drinks on Friday.

Find out what motivates you

If you were granted a superpower to be able to do anything and not fail, what would you do? Perhaps there is something that you have always wanted to try, but fear has held you back.

In order to understand how to achieve greater success, you need to understand what exactly motivates you. Everyone is different in how they are motivated and how they are successful when trying to make a change. Find something that drives you to succeed.

Here is an exercise that can help you find out what you are passionate about:

  • Write down the types of activities you like to do and the types of activities, or hobbies, that make you feel good when you do them.

  • Next, write down your special skills and talents. Don’t be shy. Remember, this list is just for you.

  • Finally, write down what inspires you to do things well.

  • Here are a few ideas to keep motivated. You could write down your goal and place it somewhere that you will see it at least once a day. That way if you start to lose your way, you can refer back to your list and rebuild that enthusiasm.If you have a weight-loss goal, place your goal on the fridge. If your goal is to save some money, place your goal on a Post-it note on your credit card. Or, more extreme, put your credit card on ice, literally. All you need to do is fill a glass with water, pop in your credit card and put it in the freezer. This provides the extra motivation you need for those tough days.Start todayWhy wait? You are the one in control of your life. You need to be actively involved in the method of working on your goals, to guarantee you achieve them. Remember to keep your goals specific and simple. Have a plan and share your achievements with others. It’s easy, you can do it!Your say: What tips do you have to stick to your resolutions?

Here are a few ideas to keep motivated. You could write down your goal and place it somewhere that you will see it at least once a day. That way if you start to lose your way, you can refer back to your list and rebuild that enthusiasm.

If you have a weight-loss goal, place your goal on the fridge. If your goal is to save some money, place your goal on a Post-it note on your credit card. Or, more extreme, put your credit card on ice, literally. All you need to do is fill a glass with water, pop in your credit card and put it in the freezer. This provides the extra motivation you need for those tough days.

Start today

Why wait? You are the one in control of your life. You need to be actively involved in the method of working on your goals, to guarantee you achieve them. Remember to keep your goals specific and simple. Have a plan and share your achievements with others. It’s easy, you can do it!

Your say: What tips do you have to stick to your resolutions?

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