Home Health

How to lose weight without trying!


Trying to lose weight? The little things you are doing in your day may be contributing more to your weight loss than you realise. Here are the top 13 ways to lose weight through everyday activities without even realising it!


Vacuuming the floor can help you lose up to 500 kilojoules. Who would have though cleaning would have been so beneficial!


Using a push lawnmower (not a ride on!) can help you to lose 800 kilojoules. And the harder you push the more you will benefit!


Ditch the car and walk your kids to school. This not only helps you lose up to 600 kilojoules but will teach your kids a good lesson!


Depending on how hard you are working, having sex can help you lose between 400 and 600 kilojoules.


Mopping can help you lose up to 500 kilojoules and it’s also a great way to help you tone your shoulders and arms.


Sometimes you don’t need to do anything at all! Simply sleeping can help you lose 120 to 150 kilojoules per hour.


Get working in the garden and you could lose 400 kilojoules if you’re raking leaves and moving around.


Putting the washing out to dry can help you lose 300 kilojoules. This can increase depending on the number of loads you do.


Kissing your partner passionately will help you lose around 20 kilojoules per kiss. And we aren’t talking about just a peck on the cheek!


Do you find cleaning windows a pain? It’s because you are working the muscles in your arms to get the job done and losing around 750 kilojoules at the same time. The harder you rub the windows the harder the work-out.


Use the stairs in your home as much as you can. Plan your cleaning around running up and down the stairs.


Take your work-out to the kitchen and ditch the electric mixer! Beating and whipping up ingredients get the arm muscles working. The same thing goes for kneading dough


When you’re doing your housework work-out have your favourite music going. It will make each task a little more fun!

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