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How to control your hormonal mood swings

Because we have ALL been here.
mood swings

In an analysis of 41 published studies on women’s moods, more than half found a link between bad moods and menstruation. Moreover, women in the Penn Ovarian Aging Study reported an increase of depressive symptoms as they transitioned into menopause.


If you feel like you’re on a hormonal roller coaster, read on to learn what research suggests about hormonal mood swings, and discover natural ways to feel better no matter where you are in your cycle or life.

Current research demonstrates just how little we understand and more studies are needed to better determine how the menstrual cycle impacts mood, however blaming bad moods on premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is so common it’s become a joke.

Strikingly, only 13.5 percent of studies in the above-mentioned analysis identified bad moods as corresponding with the pre-menstrual phase. Whatever the cause, it may be easier to ride hormonal ups and downs when you recognise them as predictable and temporary.

According to Dr. Christiane Northrup, many women experience similar, subtle shifts in mood during the four phases of the menstrual cycle, moving from optimism at the beginning to enthusiasm mid-cycle, then reflection and reactivity at the end of the cycle.


Some research supports Northrup’s observation; for instance, women are more reactive to emotional stimuli in the luteal phase. Jing Jin, founder of, relates these subtle emotional shifts to seasonal cycles in the natural world.

If you feel like your hormones are holding you hostage, some relatively simple lifestyle changes may help.


Keep a diary of your symptoms for a few months. All women are different, and the only way to understand your moods is to record them and analyse the data. It may bring relief to observe that cyclical annoyances don’t usually last long.



Studies suggest women with PMS may be deficient in calcium and magnesium. Foods rich in vitamin B6, omega 3 fatty acids, and zinc may also help prevent mood swings, according to some experts.

It can’t hurt to eat a more nutrient-dense diet. Reach for vegetables, leafy greens, beans, seeds, nuts, legumes, whole grains, poultry, seafood and seaweed, and fish.


Some women report insomnia before menstruation, which is when estrogen and progesterone levels plummet; 40 to 50 percent of women experience insomnia during menopause. Women with sleep disturbances are more likely to feel stressed out, tense, anxious, or depressed.

To improve your odds of a good night of sleep, make your room dark, quiet, and cool, and stick to routine sleep and waking times.



In one study, eight weeks of aerobic training significantly reduced participants’ premenstrual symptoms. Choose physical activities you enjoy since the point is to feel good.


Women who experience stress early in a menstrual cycle are more likely to experience mood swings later in the cycle, according to a study.

Walking, mindfulness exercises, visiting nature, and hanging out with friends are proven ways to reduce stress.


In studies, caffeine has been shown to decrease feelings of relaxation and increase ratings of anxiousness, tenseness, and nervousness.


Alcohol may interfere with estrogen detoxification (which could be why it’s associated with a higher risk of breast cancer). Reach for a drink, such as water or herbal tea, that helps you feel calm.

If you experience mood swings that interfere with your daily life and these healthy makeovers don’t help, it may be time to check in with your doctor or naturopath. Herbs, such as chaste tree and red clover, vitamin supplements, or medical treatments may help.

Hormonal cycles should not be used to discount or discriminate against women or medicalise normal life changes. However, it doesn’t serve women to pretend our bodies and moods stay constant through the course of a lifetime.

Whether the subject is menstruation, menopause, moods, or other topics, we should take women’s health seriously. Recognizing and understanding hormonal fluctuations may help women move through their lives with more awareness and ease.


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