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How to change your bad habits for good

How to change your bad habits for good

Lifestyle changes can make a positive difference to our lives, but we’ve all been guilty of making a conscious effort to eat healthier or exercise more before returning to old habits a few weeks later.

It is admirable to have the motivation to start to make these changes but the real success lies in making these changes for life.

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How can we make the plan for this year a success, resulting in long-term lifestyle changes?

The key is to make each goal or “resolution”, a habit — part of your everyday existence. Eventually your plans will not be given a second thought and you will be less likely to “fail” in your campaign.

Are you ready? Ask yourself “am I ready to make these changes now?” If you are not ready then forming a life habit will be difficult. Instead, look at why you are not ready and make overcoming this as your first goal. Think what an achievement that will be!

Consider your goals in a positive light: So often we think of things that we need to stop doing, such as eating chocolate or overspending on the credit card. It is much nicer to think of our new habits as something we can actually start doing to help us achieve our goals. Instead of saying “I will stop eating so much chocolate”, you could say “I will start to enjoy a chocolate treat only once per week”. You are sure to feel less deprived if you take this approach. Allowing a little leniency will make any life transitions easier.

Put pen to paper: Write down your goals in a step-by-step plan of action and ask a close friend to help monitor your progress. Changes are more likely to happen if you have a network of support.

Learn from your mistakes: But don’t dwell on them — keep moving forward. Keep the feeling of success of reaching your ultimate goal in the back of your mind as you get closer and closer.

Be patient: Lifestyle changes do not happen in an instant. Make sure you reward yourself as you reach each small milestone.

Above all, don’t give up! You don’t want to be making the same resolutions this time next year.

Related: AMA says junk food ads should be banned

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

Your say: How do you stay motivated to eat healthily and exercise?

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